
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Truth About Neediness

I get the feeling that a lot of people don't know what I mean when I talk about neediness.  In relationships or whatever.  In its truest and most valuable sense, it is very good.  But there is another meaning, that I'll get to in a little bit.

I am committed to writing when something comes to my mind these days, afterall this is a journal.

Just this morning, my husband was online paying the bills.  The phone bill was rather high, so he looked back and figured out he forgot to pay it last month.  So he paid it all.  No big deal.  I watched this all go on before my eyes, and a memory came to light.

You know, I'm glad he has this ability, I cannot.  I can't pay bills, or even look at a bank statement, or even open a mailbox, he has taken over this.  God help me if I become a widow and am forced back to go through this.  As of now, I really don't care at all.

I don't need to fix this, do I?  The pain and the fear would be overwhelming for me, if I am to try. But I do remember I used to do these things and do them very well.  Before mother came back into my life about 15 years ago.  Before that, I managed bills.  I had somethings haunting me, sure I couldn't work, I had little money, but I managed and budgeted and got by.  After mother, I could have 10 thousand dollars in the bank, and not even know it, and all the utilities would be shut off, for lack of payment.

I had managed to get a really good job sometimes, and even then, I was terrified of money, or anything to do with money.  But before mother, I managed.  So what happened?

Well, as I was watching him pay the bills, he made a mistake.  "Oh," is all he said.

Although, mother couldn't read a word, she could read my bills and would harass me over a bill that was do in a week.

She said, "You better pay it now."

"I'm busy now, the bill is due in a week, I'll get to it."  Was my response.

"You should pay it now, in case you forget."

"I won't forget."

Then she would be doing something else, but you know she wouldn't let it go.  "It's going to get cut off, you won't have any electricity, you'll live on the street, if you keep up the way you do.  You don't do anything right.  If you listen to me, you would be better off.  Why aren't you cleaning this apartment, you are too messy and dirty." etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, ......and on and on and on.....

I was making $40 an hour full time, I was single, my life was doing well.  This monster came back into my life after 20 years absent, I somehow was working towards healing, I had a level of healing, I had a good life.  Why oh why didn't I just put her out?  I'm serious.  Just throw her outside and never look back?

I don't think I need to explain anything more here, the rest is history.  My husband now takes care of me.  This is a valuable lesson in itself.

Getting back to what I mean about neediness.  Look, I know it is hard to understand.  Tainted versions over the last 50 years have made us stupid.  And we are not stupid.  But first I want to tell you a little about a hollowed out husk.

This is what a malignant narcissist leaves in its midst.  Lacking understanding of life the hollowed out husk is always afraid.  Afraid of life, afraid of everything.  But, the most important part is that she can't understand too much.  She will always work at trying, she is a normal person despite what has been done to her.  She still has the ability to know stuff, it is just a little harder to reach her is all.

So I went a little deeper into things.  I need history and science to prove things.  Because I just can't trust everything.  Although I trust others more than myself, I can't absorb things that well.  Oh well, I try.  And I have always been very curious.

Why was I getting into abusive relationships?  Well, it was the man, it wasn't me at all.  You do not cause the hitting or manipulation.  Get that straight, this is not caused by you, it is him.  And, yes, a good man will run from you if you can't understand what neediness is.  In absolute truth, neediness is a wonderful thing.  Helplessness is wonderful.  I love it when he pays bills, open jars, takes over things for me, when I don't want to do them.  That is called connection.

Neediness is blaming, using him as a scratching post, unwilling to be authentic.  Blaming is never authentic.  It comes from a very different place.  You are trying to extract his emotional resources just to make yourself feel better.

That is what the bad neediness is.  Extracting human emotions from others.  I'm hoping to get to write more about blaming.  It is such a vast subject though, and it took me six months to get through it.  Its kind of complicated and some people try to do the opposite of blaming, which is actually very bad too.  I had this friend once who told me that in marriage there should be little to no arguments.  Ok, lol, if I may tell you a little about authenticity, there will be arguments. There is no choice in that. Anything else is neediness, plain and simple.  If you are unwilling to be authentic with your partner, you are lying to him.  Even if it is a lie of omission.  Trying to save his feelings, lol, please you are trying to save yourself.  Because to me, anything outside of authenticity is a lie.  I would rather share my true emotions with him, like it or not.  Anything else is bullshit. And with this we have been doing so well, I can't even tell you.

So if I invited my mother back into my life now, what do you think would happen?  Just as a curiosity, has no point to the story.

To the hollowed out husk, things are never easy.  Afterall, she could never go out with friends and learn social skills, she had to stay close to mom, who needed an endless narcissistic supply.

But what's fascinating is that the hollowed out husk gets to look at things for the first time and learn them.  I think I got my feel this way, and I will continue to feel.


  1. I think my mothers seemingly innocuous comments about everything I did actually guided me into making more mistakes with my life than it did steer me clear of trouble. She didn't have a problem ignoring my first 15 years of life. Yet when I moved in with at the age of 54 she had an opinion about everything I did. When I say everything I mean down to the way I tied her sacks of trash when I cleaned her house.

    1. I had constant criticism and such nit picking weirdo crap, I look back and think, how on earth did they have the time? How many ice cubes in a cup, how to tie the trash, you are raking the wrong way, you are spooning that into the bowl wrong, it was insane. I sure didn't learn anything real from them. I was having to teach myself to write a check and make a meal late late into adulthood. What a waste of time.

    2. Yeah peep. My mom was doing her "you are not holding your mouth the right way thing" when it suddenly dawned on me. I am what you made me. Or better yet All I did was fill the vacuum left by your non existent parenting.

    3. LOL mine made comments about me having my mouth open. My brother who is in forever denial city even got hit for snorting too often. He got a nervous tic from them smacking him about. Mine would screech at me for having a nervous giggle after I talked. So wonder I was nervous because of her. I have to admit if there are any biological ties, I hate them even more for giving me a body from hell and then blaming me for it.

    4. My brother actually chewed his knuckles so much too he had to be taken to the doctor. Me I stimmed like hell and ripped my hems apart on my clothing.

  2. Don't they ever. I think it was worse for me after I grew up. She couldn't torture me about bills when I was little. And I could never do anything right either. That's why its so hard for me to do things now. I hate money still. I never go to the mail box. I never do any of that stuff, and its alright here, no one is making me. Funny if I was in therapy, they would tell me that I have to do these things, but I have the feeling that it is permanently broken in my life. I will concentrate on the things that I can manage, I'm happy that way anyway. If I become a widow and have to manage, I might start a ACON help center for people who need help with bank accounts, bills, and mailboxes.

    They do make us make worse mistakes and the whole time they sound like they care. That is why we blame ourselves. Not them. It is hard to blame them. It makes sense to me that mother wanted me to pay my bill early, it makes sense. That is the twisted part of the torment.

    1. I think she just used the bills as an avenue to drive you crazy. Part of my torture was being told I'd be behind a shopping cart and then I realized that is exactly where she wanted me. I am scared of the bills because I often can't pay them. I would be avoiding the mail box, too if I was not married. We pay the bills together here, but we are always afraid. I know if I ever got real money I could easily be a miser. If it wasnt for him I would rent a room and eat out of a can of beans and hoard the pennies. I hate money too. Everyday I'm worrying about the car breaking down or the day I can't cover the rent. If I was healthy I may have taken to the streets and become a bum just because I feel so oppressed by the bills, but my body needs moderate temperatures, a good bed, and medical supplies to stay alive. I am glad you have your husband to take care of you, let him help you pay the bills and don't worry about them. Try and prepare if you ever need to pay them on your own. We pay bills according to importance, rent first to stay off the street and then work our way down. Mine always screamed at me for having no money, while she burned hers with a match on shopathons. Listening to those people and their insipid vacations I wanted to throw up. Maybe I am a wannabe Hettie Green, but I desire security so bad.

    2. They always want us on the street if they can't make us like them. If we didn't become a narc like them, then they want us gone, like I mean, dead. But I think Hettie Green was a narc, she wouldn't pay for her son when he needed medical help with his leg, and it was cut off.

      But, yeah, it was their plan for us, either become a narc or your dead. That constant hounding that I got, it was torture to be around mother. Didn't even want her around. Back then when I was well, I didn't prioritize much either, and I got to see my true self. I liked to go to work and work on my hobbies, but mother made me sound bad, and nitpicked.

      I'm glad you have your husband around, and I'm glad you aren't on the streets. I'm hoping their will come a day you will not have to worry about such things.

    3. I think mine wants me dead. She probably expected for me to die when I was in the ghetto. Yeah Hettie Green sounds like a narc. Some say all hoarders are OCD but no there are the narc types too. Yeah either submit to the Borg or punishment to you. I feared mine's criticism to the very day I went NC. I used to almost throw up those very very few times she showed up my apt, knowing there would be tsking at my lack of new things. My mother mocked my comics and stamp collection. I am glad I have husband around. I still do fear the streets and have prayed fervently for the day where I will not worry about homelessness. Unless they take disability away, or we don't have war or collapse here, I should be able to maintain at least a roof of some sort.

  3. My mother had no prosocial traits whatsoever. She used to diss her neighbors for calling the city on her for draining her pool into the unimproved alley behind her hose and flooding everyone 's back yard. I trimmed her trees one time and she wanted me to drag them around into the above mentioned alley and leave them there. I told her it will attract every rat and mouse in the neighbor hood and she said she didn't care. But trust me let one rat set up house keeping and she would have been on the phone telling every body about her son who was too lazy to dispose of the trimmings in the right way.

    1. Sure sounds like it. They treat neighbors like rot too. Most neighbors should make sure to avoid any narcs who will torture them and maybe even with nuisance lawsuits. Come to think of it my parents either befriended and schmoozed with neighbors or were their arch enemies, having fights over the time of law mowings, etc.

  4. It is tough to unbrainwash yourself out of that. That's evil to say the least. I could actually see your mother wiping out the fact that she told you to do it, even making you feel like the bad one here. That's a mind bending mechanism in the works for sure.

    My mother used to diss the neighbours too. Every woman was a whore and every man was looking for sex, it was her mantra. Almost can write that on the wall. Even from the time I was very little, I knew the dirt on everyone, real or not.

    But I suppose your mother felt entitled for flooding everyone's back yard. She was the boss here, and everyone else just a little peon, how dare they say anything against the queen.
