
Saturday, May 14, 2016

Listen to What They Say

Maybe everyone knows this, but I learned something quite valuable that I would like to share.  This might help you, save your life, but I implore every ACON  to see this writing.  Listen to me, its the best stuff.  Probably the best I ever wrote.  I'm going to try to keep it short, just to get it read.

I started seeing mother in a whole new way.  I can also say she was a full blown narc, with just one thing going on with her.  She was evil and really, there was not much of anything else.  She was always spilling her projections.  I don't think a narc wants to do this, but they can't help it, maybe its God's way of helping us.  

I have a revelation.  These critters are not like the rest of us in that they are always having to cover themselves.  Every once in a while a little truth will come out of their mouth.  I often heard mother say that people are scared of me.  Why?  Because I speak my mind.  She told me that people are afraid of me.

Not to get too much into the issue of what happened when we went to help brother and SIL, I mean in regards to DH and the trouble we have right now.  He is still working for a day, and I'll be in the city on Monday, so I don't know what is going to happen with us.  But I have to write before I lose this valuable piece of information on narcs.  Things I remember, what mother said, stuff regarding SIL.

This will give me the chance to examine mother more and other narcs I will come in contact with. To start with, what I noticed was that as SIL was throwing the fit she was heading out the door, and in that respect was getting the last word in without giving me a chance to say anything about that. She is a coward.  All I can remember seeing then was the brothers scampering like cockroaches, and I have this distinct memory in my mind of the other brother (not DH) looking at me but not looking at me. I've seen this before, I have a memory of seeing that before.  Another time, another place.

I also remember she was not bossing me around about my shower.  At the time I felt left out, now I think back on it, perhaps she knew what I knew and she was trying to stay out of my way.  And I also think my YOO HOO was so nothing, and for her to throw a fit, she must have been ready to blow and her losing it, was not losing it, she had already lost it and was trying to contain it and it just spilled over.

But I also remember something else of that evening.  Just before the attack on me, she was showing me in the kitchen where the coffee was and stuff, and then said, 'You'll have to look for what you need, if you expect to find it."  Like sugar and stuff.  Doesn't that seem a little rude?  I mean, how do you expect to find things if you don't look, this statement is implying that I'm stupid.  When she said that, I was bolted to reality and felt it in my body that she was trying to insult me.

I've often "felt" around narcs.  There are so many people that are pleasing to be around, and there are some people you just want to get away from.  But its always a feeling you have, and you can't describe it, you just don't like them or you do.  But I can't help but remember mother's projection about "they are afraid of you."  When I was young, I would often run to mother when someone was insulting me, or hurting me.  That was always mother's response.  She would not cuddle me and tell me everything was ok, she would tell me that.

I know the, "You'll have to look for what you need, if you expect to find it," seems like a stretch, but I felt in my body, the tingles the second she said it.  Like I felt all my life around narcs.  I don't feel that way around nice, normal people, not ever, no matter what they say.

SIL, also was so busy herding people around that weekend, and I felt horrible about it, don't know how the guys felt about it, but it looked downright degrading.  But she was not doing it to me.  Why? Have you wondered that from my last posting?  It just dawned on me tonight, that she was not daring to try it with me.  She was trying to avoid her blow out.  And when I made the tiny remark yoo hoo, this was just exploding something that was already ready to blow, she was just trying to hold it in.

Wow.  I remember mother's rages would come from nowhere.  We wouldn't know what to say, anything can set them off.  It doesn't matter.  But you'd be blamed for it.  You've questioned a God. You tried to usurp their position.  Here she had total control of everything.  She was working during the day, and probably couldn't wait to get home to boss everyone.  You'd think she would want to relax, no, these creatures are all about control.  I saw grown men like little boys, I'm surprised they weren't running around in their undies ready for momma to give them a bath.  I have memories of my children in their bed clothes ready for bath and bed, and it sure was the same thing I saw all weekend. INCLUDING MY OWN DH.  Ugh.

But she would not come near me, she would rather insult me like she did in the kitchen about the "If you expect to find something, you'll have to look for it."  This was an attempt to make me feel stupid. I remember how mother worked.  Whatever she said, it was calculated that you will walk away feeling badly about yourself.  You are supposed to feel horrible, and downgraded, and stupid.

Since I had been in prayer the whole time, I could feel it in my heart that God was telling me to stay alert and listen.  Don't go into autopilot, but pay attention.   Listen.  What she said was calculated for me to walk away feeling stupid.  For the statement was quite innoculous, and could go unnoticed.  It was said a little snarly, and I was able to pick up on that in full alert mode.  If I'd been not alert, and it just went through me, I would have felt stupid without knowing why.

But, the question remains, if she was so afraid of me, why would she attempt to do this?  Well, I think its because there were no risks.  That statement wouldn't hold her accountable in a court of law.  It goes under the radar.  It was risk free, so why not?

Remember me telling you that I felt bad about myself the whole time I was there?  I generally always feel that way, but there especially I did.  I can't help but want to explore that some more.  If I get any answers I'll tell you.


  1. I don't know if I ever said on here that the last words mother said to me was that she likes to see me miserable? I was always wondering why she said that. I think it was calculated in such a way that I wasn't supposed to hear it. But it was supposed to make me feel perpetually miserable given the engulfing nature of the god, where I was the slave. Now do it.

    1. My mother told me things direct too and well she was telling you the truth. Mine told me I disgusted her and I knew it was true and when she said "You have nothing to show for your life" she really was telling I and my life meant nothing to her.

    2. I know and that's terrible. But that's her though, and the words coming from a perverted being with a perverted conscience, who thinks of nothing else but material gain, and how to stick it to people. She doesn't care about anything or no one. Just that high she gets from saying she has all that. Isn't that such a waste of a life? So it was back on her, she was worthless, she was terrible, she was disgusting.

  2. The narcs do expose themselves. One thing I have begun to tell myself is listen to what people say, and even more listen to what they said about themselves. Even the catfisher, told me that a lot of people called her an evil sociopath, and they were wrong but I remember thinking without telling her, "Well why do so many people consider this person a sociopath what if she is?" and why is she telling me this? She really had a lot of weird stuff about her. Its time to listen to that intuition. She always was talking about love and stuff in her poems but it was so empty. My mother would rip off her veil and always I was in the room alone with her. She saw me as the worm who would never be believed so it was okay to take the mask off and "show the monster" so to speak. "I wish Aunt Scapegoat would just go die!" I told my brother this and I don't think he believed me. So yeah a little truth will come out of their mouth. The catfisher even toyed with me telling me that her mother knew one of my mother's best friends of 50 years plus enough to send her a present. I'm Aspie and notice details. I think she was getting off thinking she was getting away with fooling me. I don't always discuss everything I notice. Even one ex narc friend told me, "I always emasculate men". I thought to myself as things were going south, "Well you always emasculate people in general". So believe people when they tell you about themselves. When I hear people say of themselves "I am selfish", or "I blow people off" or like with the catfisher "All these people told me I am a sociopath", I believe them.

    Narcs are afraid of truth tellers so I got told that too, people are afraid of you. I have always been told I am "too intense"

    Most narcs are cowards when it gets right down to it. They throw their verbal bombs and go run for the exits making sure not to give anyone time for a defense. Sorry to hear even your husband's brother gave you the thousand yard stare. Trained like seals and PTSDed into obeying a narc.

    Yeah she was sitting there seething and just saying yoohoo sent her over the edge. I saw pissed off narcs who would wait for their "in" and let me have it. They are always so angry. Her snotty youll just have to look for what you need speaks volumes. Who talks to a guest that way except for a narc? You mean she's too lazy to help you find something. Yeah that's a narc, don't put me out.

    She was insulting you.

    I know I have to listen to the intuition. I even thought of the catfisher, wow is she passive aggressive, she would mix in mean things into seemingly nice conversation. She even told me my blog was selfish, "It's all about you, you are there to HELP yourself". I should have dumped her that day. That is something about narcs. One local narc sneering at a self help group, no one has GROWN, you have not been HEALED as if it all was a contest, setting herself up as judge and jury, I still wonder why I am the only one who protested.

    My mother too would defend my enemies and bullies too, "You must be doing something to make them treat you that way!"

    Yeah there is a certain way of feeling around narcs isn't there?


    1. They love their control and bossing people around. They want everyone sucking up. Youd think they wouldn't have time for micromanagement and would want to relax themselves but they never do. Watching men scrape around for her, that had to be pathetic but I see too many weak men who let female narcs run roughshod over them. Some seem to revel in letting "mommy take care of everything". If I saw my husband running around at another woman's orders I'd want to puke. My husband never obeyed my mother and with her shower times, sleep times and eating times, he's simply ignore her and we'd drive away and get food or wonder off. I was used to already ignoring her and doing what I wanted anyway which that will make narcs angry and smearing you already.

      Oh they always want to make you feel stupid and off balance. I never dried a dish right even as an adult, even filling the dishwasher was made into a complex scientific task, I could never do right and I opened the refrigerator for too long too to put the butter away.

      I am glad you are paying attention. I know I find the narcs out a bit quicker now with this education. They take their jabs where they can get them. Even mild and subtle stuff, life constantly as a contest.

    2. We always here in the blogs that when they have a trail of destruction behind, be careful. In the case of the catfisher, she was telling you how people hated her, that's pretty brazen not to cover up that info. I don't think anyone would ever say of me that I emasculate men. There must be truth to it, and I don't think men go around saying a certain woman is emasculating if they don't mean it.

      I had a friend who was covert like that, and would make me feel bad about returning things to store, I was the type to run them out of business. But I know people know who would think it quite rude to say something like that. I just compare them to nice normal people and ask myself if they would say the same thing. I helps me to sift through the mess. And so what if a blog is selfish? If it is not completely authentic, it would be totally meaningless, I would be writing fiction. And for that I would want to get paid. lol

      And that stare he gave me, I tell you, it was like my life passed before my eyes. That look is saying, "You upset mommy, you know we are not supposed to do that." Children who are emotionally and physically dependent on their parents, do that, and they get a pass, grownups, well, no. Glad I didn't see that coming from DH. As it is I totally lost respect for both his brothers. They were so pathetic, when we were children we did it with mother, we would scrape around her, but these were grown men, I don't see any logic in that. They were using their own money to travel there, and their own time to build a garage. Right now I'll have to get off this topic, but I'll get back to it at some point, but we have not made any leeway in this area. I had told DH that, "I want all your love, devotion, loyalty, and for us to be an impenatrable fortress that no one can get through." Then I broke a tooth, cause we were having dinner. Its terrifying to break a tooth. Lots of my teeth are fixed, I fell down on the floor one time, and broke the front ones, and I can't explain how I fell, just oops fell. Just one of those blank out times, I used to have, for I was living in a kind of haze. My teeth now are not that strong. So really, we have no business treating narcs to their deluded assumption that they are god. We suffer as a result. Hubby is a boss at work, and he gets no respect, well I wonder why? I didn't know he was like this.

      Isn't it sad how they throw in little digs just to mess with you? To lower your esteem, which is a precious commodity in this life, and to throw it over you so you don't see it coming. There has not been a day since that event that I haven't prayed or read my bible, for I think that is what saved me. Its so cruel they don't teach this stuff in church.

    3. Yes they love their trails of destruction. Yeah the catfisher freaks me out. She never defended herself either which proves her utter fakeness. She knows about my blog and where it is. Yeah I remember thinking, 'why do all these people think you are evil or a sociopath?" I was worried. Sure a lot of people hate me but I never had that one lobbed at me. The freaks and narcs I was around would have loved me to be just as evil as them and sociopathic.

      I think the person who said they emasculated men definitely did, certainly one of the men said it to her. It is a strange thing. I think she seemed to be somewhat proud of this. It bugged me. I don't hate men and women who hate men freak me out.

      Yeah isn't a blog supposed to be about one's life? I found that strange. She wanted my voice silenced.

      Oh I've seen those stares, so many cowards. I shudder to think. I think I was always in trouble because I would fight back and not submit. Too many would be like "its time to please mommy". I see my brother as never having really grown up. I may be on the streets being a grown up but least mommy isn't bossing ME around anymore. I wonder about all these men who submit to narcs. This may sound mean but I see them as "weak". My husband has heard me rail about "weak men" [not at him of course] and I know those anger have to do with my father who never stood up for me and brother as well.

      Grownups doing that freak me out. I have even seen financially secure people do it who don't need Mommy's money or help, and thought what in the hell is wrong with you?

      Yeah I wouldn't respect his brothers either. I see the slaves to narc women even in my family system. I realized there's probably only two real marriages in the whole family, everyone else in our generation bracket got divorced or never married.

      Yeah they have their own money and time. Men who act like they are scared of a spanking or something from mommy freak me out. It makes me wonder what her real hold over them is.

      Yeah if your husband is submitting to narcs he won't get any respect at work.

      Yeah they toss in their little digs and "passive aggressive" comments and it gets beyond irritating. Yeah it's sad the churches don't teach this stuff, too many in the pulpit who just want money and supply and telling men to be strong and have integrity may not go down that road.

    4. My mother didn't defend herself lots of times either. If I had to venture a guess it was to solicit for sympathy, mother got fed from that too. She kind of pushed it with the sociopath. I don't get called that either. And lots don't like me either, but I'm over people not liking me, so over it. I wouldn't worry about here knowing where your blog is. I don't think you can do anything to change that. But I guess some things are out of control, where were live, and stuff. Lots of women crazy ones are proud of their ability to emasculate men. I'm glad you don't emasculate men. Its like its ok to be sexist as long as its against men and thats just wrong.

      Anyone who calls you self serving, that is a major projection. Why should be concerned about it. Besides, someone with good moral standards would not have said such a thing, no way. It is a blog. These are very personal things we talk about, and it has to be what it is, I have learned so much from you guys, I don't know if that's self serving, so thank you.

      Weak men, wow, that almost seems to rare to find one that isn't. I get attacked, verbal assault is what it is, who are we kidding? That is what it was, and I told hubby too. And the guys at work need him to take care of their physical safety, their emotional safety and the boss keeps an eye on him. He saw me getting attacked and he finished her freaking garage. Omg, I'm ready to explode and we haven't had time to talk. Anyway, he is a boss, this should have been EASY to decipher. I'm glad his company sees this, and keeps an eye on him, I need all workplaces to be like that.

      I don't have respect for the brother who stared at me pooping his pants. I mean what the hell? Maybe he was worried when mommy spanked him on his shitty drawers. Ok, sorry, hope that wasn't offensive.

      If we remain alert these freaks can't have their way in. I think that is what got her so boiling mad to begin with. That might be where it started, but I think they are always boiling mad, but explosive with me being alert.

  3. The bath thing was all about control. Nothing else. They are deluded, and think they are god, which is something they think we shouldn't be questioning. It weird cause I used to be scared of this, for I didn't know, but knowledge has changed me. Before I met you guys, that event would have been pure torture, now, its like I want to play it over and over in my head, except for the part of DH, I wish I could leave him out.

    1. It was control I agree. Why do people submit to controls like this? I don't get it. The narcs do think they are god and can boss everyone around. I am glad you feel better about standing up for yourself. Years ago I would stand up for myself having the whole family beat me down verbally. I apologized in 2005, I am sorry I told you off. The me of today would say, "I still meant every word and have nothing to apologize for."

    2. It might be a hard wire trigger. But then again, we run when attacked, not try to please the oppressor, this might be an interesting study. Not sure if Anna V. or someone covered this. Stockholm syndrome might have something to do with it. But this woman was just a SIL, you'd think she would not have that much power. But any narc is scary. I'm supposing they didn't see her run out the door? She was a coward, not scary. I don't know. I used to apologize and try to be nice too. No one told us they are bad to the bone, I used to think that they were good, and it was my fault. Yes, we have learned haven't we? I would say that too.

  4. Who Them? I haven't listened to a word they say and I won't start now.

    1. Please don't get offended at my weak men comment. We were speaking of grown up men in poopy pants sucking up to narcs. But I completely went off topic of this posting. I guess in a way your right, but for survival reasons only, not to submit to them, but listening to them for survival, might do us some good to fight back. I was just talking to Lisette, that I have been hounded by freaks forever, and even if I left DH, that won't stop the horde coming after me. Need a game plan.

  5. Not offended at all. I was doing that play on words people get into when they use the word they. Like who are they? I don't know, them and they are always shooting their mouths off. Who? you know who .....them!

  6. Them critters, them debauched, lunatic, disgusting, horrible monsters. Evil right down to the core. The ones who stole my life career, my hopes, my dreams, (won't let me have a good marriage even) and I know there are at least a horde of them waiting for me till the day I die. I know you weren't offended, you aren't one of them men who walk around with shit in his mouth and in his pants. Oh my gosh this feels good, gonna publish this, yeah.

    Swearing makes me feel good. Those lunatic those vile, those creepy critters. Ok, that's cleaner. Thank you Q.

  7. You need to speak quieter....They'll hear you!

  8. It might be possible you can hear me all the way in Texas. The speed of sound has the variables of temperature, wind direction, other forces between them. Can also cause earth trembles, if you have an earthquake, I'm sorry.

  9. Have you heard about the Butterfly effect? A butterfly flaps it's wings in Peru and an oil tanker driver gets shit faced and wrecks his boat in Alaska.

  10. Oh yeah, I love that stuff. Every debauched immoral act committed will affect us all. I always got told, but this will effect the whole family, and I say that I'm not the one doing it. I can always blame it on butterflies, thank you.

  11. I am pretty sure you could follow a trail of debris from Hitler's mountain chateau to my mothers front door.

  12. I'm pretty sure about that one. We should let them know that on that tv show, about finding Hitler. Your mother probably kept him hidden.
