
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Feelings and Thoughts

I never realized there are people out there who don't feel empty all the time.  But there is, for some this is just a once in a while feeling.  I am trying to live just a simple life here.  My oldest daughter and I are not getting along, my husband's daughter thinks I'm spending all his money, the SIL showing her boobs to husband.  All I want is trouble with getting a quick bread to rise.

And that is not even the big problems I'm having.  Its this dead feeling inside.  I feel dirty for not having that fine extended family.  And I know love has to come from inside me, I have got to be a whole person, regardless of any of my circumstances.  You can't even face a loved one's disloyalty without first having the backbone, to, go into that feeling of frustration, fear, panic, loneliness, then when you are ok with all that, you can go into that feeling of hurt.  Without doing all that, you will have these feelings linger, and linger, till you are taking so many pills to cope with just waking up in the morning.  This is just the realities of life, and no one gets away without it.

I wonder what life would have been like if Adam and Eve would have just behaved and listened to God in the first place.  We are not even supposed to have the pain of childbearing before the fall of man, pain was not something in the original design.  Now, there are all these coping procedures, even positive thinking.  You know, that is just thinking don't you?  Thinking can't counteract the actual physical issues you have with deep emotional pain.  And emotional pain is physical, it hurts, those feelings in my stomach are real, and I don't like it.

How did I end up with the mother I got?  Why did she do what she did?  For no reason.  I've asked God that question so much, that its hurts.  So why did Adam and Eve disobey?  Life was not meant to be lived in after the fall, it is all coping now, I think I have found some good ways to cope, but it all comes down to struggling even at the best of times.

And even DH, he doesn't even understand why his behaviour doesn't hurt me.  He is on his long work run now, and I'm sure he is not even thinking about this.  He can go all empty and free, I can't.  I made this chocolate quick bread to pack in his lunch, he is eating the food I'm giving him, so he must trust that I'm not that bad to poison him.  That's what this pain is, I feel all dirty, that I am capable of anything.  Having good standards and integrity, I do have these, but at the same time I feel like I'm not good, and that no one wants me, not even him.  A free boob show from his SIL is worth more than I am to him.  I really feel that way.  He went to bed after her freakfest, and went and finished the garage for his brother.  Am I not worth anything to him?  Her feelings are worth more?

I know I probably shouldn't be taking care of him, and feeding him, but I'm a little meticulous that way and I would feel way worse if I didn't.  I like to make sure things are done, and that is one of my biggest problems.  I should be sitting here with uncombed hair, crying all the time, but I can't, it is not me.  I used to try that and I found that it made me go even more depressed.  But maybe that is what I should be doing.

I have to wait till the end of the weekend so I can talk to him about this.  It looks like I'm doing well, but we are sleeping in separate beds now, because of this, and I know this is sending alarm bells going off in his head.  But not too much, I know he has got to concentrate on work and that is just the way it is.  He job requires focus on that, its ok.  I certainly can understand that.  But he has been having problems at work too, and now I think I know why.

He did not get the big bonus at work like he should have, like the other bosses did.  His was the smallest.  He doesn't get the respect he feels he deserves, since he does so much at work, it should be noticed that he is very dependable.  I did pray about this, and maybe I got the answer.  It is his lack of principles.  I don't know, but somewhere down the line, something is broken with him,  He can't show loyalty to his wife, that has got to trickle down into the rest of his life, this is a fact of life, and he can't ignore it anymore.

Even though I was the one in need from the beginning, he is the one with serious issues.  Now I know that loving the malignant narcissist seems to be the way of life, and people seem to go far with it, but sometimes, does it really?  Or does he not love the malignant narcissist, he is just pretending so he can keep some kind of fake peace,and he is just going against what he thinks and feels.  And this is affecting so much so that it is causing him problems in his life.

I told him this tonight.  That he can't just do his job and be dependable, there is this thing of value, called standards, and if you don't have them then, lots of failure to you.  I don't know I'm just thinking about this.  Not to say that everyone who has failed in life is because of lacking standards, my gosh, we ACON's know better than this.  But in another way, can it be though?  Because he is not living according to his standards, he is seen as being just a butt kisser.  And they don't care, he'll just do what he's told and that is only being fake.  Maybe they don't trust him because of it.

So my relationship site people, well, we go on on how we can influence men.  Make him a better man, respond to his crudeness, respond when he treats us badly.  This is giving high value right there. This will help him be a better man.  I take a great deal of comfort from those words, for I felt this whole thing was very overwhelming for me, and I needed to see something good that I can do.

He might be seen as wishy washy by his superiors, for he does not live by his standards.  He blocks them out.  I guess they never served him in the past, so he chose to let it go, but right now it is not serving him to not live by his standards.  I don't know, these are just my thoughts.  And the only way I can help is by letting him know on no uncertain terms that I am not putting up with his BS.

But I am having to suffer for it.  He has led a very successful life other than this, he has done quite well.  It seems strange that little ole me, is teaching him how to live, that is one big irony right there. Suffer, suffer, is that all an ACON is good for?

I think I have to have faith.  That maybe God is helping us, and sometimes it doesn't seem like He is. I know the Christian church nowadays, everything is supposed to be all pie in the sky, everything is perfect and wonderful, and you pray for your miracle which is sure to happen.  Nowadays, I'm being careful of what I pray for, lol, not sure if I want it bad enough. lol

But the more I think of it, if he doesn't raise his standards, his life is due to fall.  But I know he has standards, for I think if he didn't he would be doing well.  He is just blocking them and this is making him look weak.  Otherwise he would look strong.  I don't think regular people can tell if someone has standards or not, but they can tell if someone is strong or not, and he appears weak.  I hope I'm making sense.

But I noticed the neighbours have been letting their friends drive on the lawn here.  And DH doesn't say anything.  I want to but I can't seem to catch them when they are still.  But before that, I did say something to the neighbour once about too many dogs running loose, I'm a little afraid of big dogs, unless I see the owner right there.  The neighbour just shot this look at me, and I asked him why is he looking at me like that.  I don't care, these days I say what I want.  I mean, we are the scapegoated children of evil parents, we were the family whistleblowers, I think its highly authentic.

You know, the neighbour still looks at me funny.  Not sure why that is, I don't know anything about them, so any PD will have to remain to be seen.  But DH talks to them all the time, gives them much lurve, tells them they are perfect neighbours, and DH tells me something else.  Then I confront him on this, and he turns away.

He says, "Oh, you just like to bitch at people."  And I say, "Yeah, and?"

You know it wasn't always like this.  He was very good and supportive and loving.  Until that particular day last summer when I supposedly "been gunning for his SIL".

But I am the scapegoat, the family whistleblower, and that authenticity really has no tolerance for BS. DH thinks I act all high and mighty.  Ok, I know I am a sinner, and I need God's grace just as much as anyone, but that doesn't mean that I need to let myself to allow the standards of my life be gone, or let other people screw with me.

But this is just terrible times I'm going through.  I feel pain, I feel lost.  I had no mommy who would tell me that everything will be alright no matter what.

So lets just get back to that dirty feeling.  How is DH even supposed to trust me with anything I may do or say.  He has led the rather successful life, and me, no, not until him, and I would not even be able to afford the computer or internet on my own.  This is all due to him, and here I am trashing him, Omg, I feel so dirty.  And I feel like such a big loser.  And here I am teaching him how he can do better.

Am I enough?  This one is a constant struggle.  But that is the first thing you got to do, is build up those emotional resources, you are enough.  Even if that means going into all those bad feelings I want to avoid, it needs to be done.

In relationship things will always be a challenge.  Marriage is one thing, even married, I don't feel like I got the level of commitment required to sustain us, this is a horrible fact.  This is a heart thing, a value thing, as loyalty is a value thing, its a heart thing.  To see his SIL do that to me, then just ignore it.  I'm sure at some level it did bother him, for he left the room, maybe scared but at the same time so that he could escape his own feelings of stupidity.  Sleep is a good escape.  So maybe he has blocked his standards and lives a very mediocre life now.

Then there is the thing about him being on autopilot.  Our lives can just go by and we just sit there. So many people do it, and I do it, and I have to snap out of it sometimes, but it does want to take over.  Its easier.  I mean, on autopilot I can eat a whole bag of chips without thinking its terrible.  I've seen the bottom of the bag and wonder how did that happen.  I'm sure this is one thing we've all done, time and again, unfortunately, and I think if we do it too much it means we are brainwashed.  We are stuck in some other realm for to have to think, means that you can't be brainwashed, plain and simple. I'm so glad I got to write tonight, so many thoughts, its better than to just sit here alone and mope. But maybe that is what I should be doing.

One dreadful thought I have is that maybe I'm the one taking him down with me, I always felt destined to fail.  Like I always have, and in some way I am destroying him.  Just a thought, not fishing, but a lot of thoughts to just sit with me, I'm glad to be writing.


  1. If he can't be loyal to a wife, how's he going to be loyal to a boss? Maybe they pick up on that about him. That he will go along to get along but not be there when push comes to shove. Integrity means having loyalty to those you love, not shoving them over board to keep narcs and outsiders happy. I think these lack of standards will show too.

    1. Thanks Peeps, that what I thought too. When I prayed about what was wrong with his job all this stuff happened regarding the loyalty thing with me, and I'm thinking that God is trying to tell us something. Now I have to give him the value of knowing that I'm not putting up with his BS. And that's how I help him.

    2. I think God is trying to tell you something too. I wouldn't put up with it either. If you were to back down, where's the loyalty? He could toss you to the side for any stranger he wanted to look good in front of.

    3. I may have to fact the fact that he has no loyalty at all. This won't be about me, this is on him. I got treated crappy, and he lets it go, this only makes him look bad. For I know my value and my worth, and that is what makes me take a stand. All these things come down to how we feel about ourselves. How we invite more abuse if we do't feel like we are worth it. It is challenging enough to be an ACON, then someone goes and does this? But someone has to stand up for what I'm worth, and for the time being it'll have to be me. Thanks, Peep for all your support, you are so emphatic to me, and I'm grateful. A good kick in my butt too, for sometimes I think it easier to just let all these things go.

    4. Yes facing that fact is very hard. I ended the false friendship realizing she had no loyalty at all. I know in a marriage, that would be very very difficult but for a marriage to succeed, a spouse has to be top priority to another one with the exception of God. You can't have a marriage succeed when one party is throwing the other under the bus to please others. Yes you have value and worth and do not deserve this. I agree abuse would worsen and his treatment if you do not make a stand. I had to make a stand in my marriage, it was on another issue, [it wasn't a loyalty issue] but that day came even for us. We were able to work it out but there will be those moments in marriage. I hope he wakes up and realizes this is a loyalty issue and his necessity in protecting you and treating you as a person of value. Thanks too for your support too Joan, you always have helped me too. Yes us ACONs have to be careful of "letting things go" and taking easy way out. I know I have done that myself and then the betrayals usually get turned up a few notches.

  2. One thing do not feel bad about lack of loyalty being a deal-breaker or a major problem. It is a major problem and one that will only fester if ignored.

    Christian churches aren't much help with this stuff. It almost seems like they tell people take abuse and be a doormat, don't expect anything especially when it comes to women. I do think most marriages crisis points come where one has to draw boundaries. Either the relationship grows as a result We were tested by the job layoffs and economically but lack of loyalty is a huge one. He isn't cheating on you with a woman but he has emotionally betrayed you. Why wouldn't you be hurt? Don't feel guilty for your feelings. Acons too need validation and we also need to develop the steel inside saying Yes our feelings matter.

    I tire of the namby pampby promised miracles too. Real life in the Christian churches isn't much focused on. Everythings like Disney land. In this case they would tell you to be nice and knuckle under but then that would be only setting things up for a wider chasm in your marriage.

    It's strange he said you like to bitch at people but you weren't the one complaining about too many showers to hot and dirty working men.

    1. All these value things like loyalty is that it is a necessity. If he thinks he can cheat on this one, he has some major lessons to learn. These are the things of life. I wanted to know what was wrong with him and his job and then this stuff came up, and answered prayers are not necessarily fun things to have. You have free will, you get choices, now do. Unfortunately, you won't get this in church nowadays. Its all like you said, namby pampby, Disney land. I really think this is an answered prayer, it just hurts. A lot. But there is a way out, and that will hurt too. But I learned too, I got to see how I can be with my boundaries. It really did escape me that he was being disloyal, and I needed to come out of that fog. All answered prayer, but not Disneyland. I work hard to not feel guilty for feelings, for that is where I need to go, and well, it can make you very sick otherwise. Its hard to feel worthy of that. I was worried I was taking him down with me, for I have failed everywhere in life, and now him, but its time for me to change that.

      He was mad at me when he said I bitch at people. Ok, I don't go bitch at people, he just threw that one at me. He won't hold her to any standard it seems, she can do what she wants to I guess.

    2. You do realize I have heard the "you bitch" at people line from narcissists. I am not saying he is a narcissists but realize where that is coming from. He wants you to shut up and go in the corner and take their abuse. That's easier then him actually making a stand. My marriage wouldn't have lasted and I hate to be this blunt if my husband ever took the side of a narcissist. With his sister, we had to compromise, I stay away and they still talk but I made it clear I come first and he has kept to that. I wouldn't compromise on coming first though, does that make sense. I won't take him away from his sister [she lives hundreds of miles away anyhow] but I'm to be the highest priority not her. It sickens me how so many people make excuses for narcs. I had a local friendship end and suspect highly she is a narc and the one leaving a few nasty comments on my blog about how "depressed" I am, refuse to defend me. She had no loyalty, and the first time I thought that, I knew the friendship was going down the crapper. She kept defending the behavior of someone who even insulted me to my face.

      Church doesn't work for me because they don't talk about lives like I have had. It's a good place for people with happy families and secure careers. I meet very nice people who are in the churches and even have gone to book clubs and the rest but what is the use of putting on a mask for people there too. Churches deny the existence of real evil and wickedness and yeah Disney Land. Be nice to the evil people and they'll be nice to you seems to be the message to most of them or that mean person has a heart of gold type fairy tales. Some silent types might but many do not.

      I am glad you have come out of the disloyal fog. To be honest, he's freaking me out even reading this as an objective viewer, his wife has even left the bedroom and he's busy kissing SIL's butt. What's in it for him or is he totally brainwashed? Remember in relationships, it takes two to tango. It's not your failure. I would ask him why is the SIL more important then me? Make it blunt. Also say I am not going to take abuse from anyone to keep the peace, that is your problem. With my family if my husband had ever taken any of their sides over mine, because of the extent of my abuse, this would been an incredible relationship danger zone. Even my NM never attempted to get in the middle of us knowing it was doomed to failure. So I do not envy your position Joan, and feel for you. I hope your husband wakes up.

    3. All my life before him its been like that, I had to back down, and they would tie me up in knots, and I couldn't get out. This is brand new territory for me. I have you guys, and the strength of the online acon community. All the things you guys say, I felt. Now I have to be up for the challenge. Its good, its good. Glad I learned about emotionality first, and I got that one down. The whole time I was over at their place, I felt this huge burden of not being ok with myself, but I must press on with that one. I know he does not think that he is a butt kisser, but that is what he is doing, his actions are proving it. Its also a good thing that I'm not really a fighter in regards to arguing, I know I am well able to stand my ground, but a little part of me feels like he is gonna say, "she is right you know," but that is just the fear in me talking. If all else fails, I have two huge cast iron skillets, just kidding. But the point is to stand my ground. About the disloyal fog, I wish I would have caught it sooner. That is my weak point in all this mess. But I know I can't beat myself up over making a mistake. The point is to stand my ground now.

      I have stopped going to my bible study for the elders are not getting the scripture right, and they turned Jesus into some love mongering hippy. They don't realize that love is counterintuitive sometimes, that it does involve calling someone on their crap.

      Good thing you managed to fix that problem with your SIL. That one must be real painful, that is his actual sister. I know it would be nice to have some actual family but that one is not even acting like family. I'm glad you spoke up and stood your ground too.

      So I said "yoo hoo" and that will be used against me in all this, I am sure. I pushed her buttons, she really is a nice person, just don't push her buttons. Its gonna suck to hear that come out of his mouth. When I know that narcs are always mad, and I have never been good at walking on eggshells. For now, it will be just to stand my ground. But, I actually want to see the next email he gets from her, just so I can email back telling her I did not like her behaviour etc, just for fun. he he.

    4. Yes I got tied in knots too and would go cry and give in, "not wanting to be alone", "not wanting people mad at me" and really all it did was open the door for more abuse or resentments to build up. Some of this is new stuff to me too. LOL

      When people abuse us I guess the natural reaction is for us to blame ourselves. Unraveling that knot may take an ACON a long time. I know it is one I have to work through, where my instant reaction is not that I am at fault but looking at what they and others are doing.

      He's kissing her butt, you got that right. Maybe his motive is to keep brother happy, I'm not sure, but it's not right. Even there you should be his first priority. If he says she is right, it would be okay to disagree and say "You got it wrong" buddy. LOL about the huge cast iron skillets, I'd be ready to bring them out too. :P

      Yeah we can learn from our past mistakes. I think about all the jerks I gave in to and even times where narcs had ME apologizing when they ABUSED ME, so we can turn over a new leaf in learning to draw our boundaries and standing up for ourselves.

      I would leave a bible study too where they twisted scripture. I don't need platitudes at this time in life either. Real love means telling the truth, not puffy clouds and butt kissing for narcs.

      Yes it got bad with the SIL. I was firm on the not moving in with her and yeah it could have cost me BIG if he decided to move in with her. I knew he loved me and would pick me, but it was a gamble. I get scared because of our money problems because what if there was no other choice you know? That feeling the fear thing is not easy. I confronted her once in an email [uh oh!] She refused to respond to it and went and tattled to him that I had written her a "mean" email. I refused to back down and said the email still applied and would not take the words back. Finally my compromise was, I won't get in the way of your relationship with her but I am staying far away. I will be polite for your sake, like answering the phone but will not seek out any correspondence with her or any connection. [like a VLC?] This was 4 years ago. Since we live very far away it helps, so I was able to work it out. They don't visit or go on visits with each other, so that spares me a lot of trouble I guess too. His family was against our marriage, including his father when he was alive because of my health problems. I lost the family Lotto and then some. She's helped us in the past so she has some good things about her but I don't understand why she hates me so much. I feel like she hates me just for "taking her brother away".

      It troubles me all you said was YOO HOO and they react like that. What if you had an actual argument with her, you know? Or cussed at her or told her to shut up or take a flying leap into a lake? How would they react? I hope he doesn't say that to you. Why does he see her as so perfect? Maybe ask him that. Tell him narcs are always mad and always want people fighting over petty things like showers and he needs to wake up.

      I got very blunt about the sister to husband, even telling him when she goes on about how emotional I am to you, that is wrong. [She is a very non-emotional person]

    5. I'm sorry to hear so many people were against your marriage Peeps. If my kids got married to a good person, I'd be happy. Health problems or not, it could be anything, its life. His sister, wow, what a piece of work. Looks like she was wanting to torment you just for kicks. I'm sorry to hear you went through that.

      This SIL is given some special consideration, for I think its because she has this great job, she is a nurse. She must be good right? Doesn't matter what bad she does right? She is a nurse. So my YOO HOO pissed her off, she's right to get pissed off? She is a nurse.

      Unfortunately, we will probably never understand these things. You should hear what comes out of his mouth about this. Not that he is saying this, but I feel like I have a lower caste status. I have to let it go, it is sucking the life out of me. All my emotional work will be gone if I keep it up. It is not worth it, no marriage is worth it. All I can do is respond to his behaviour, and show him how I feel, and hope he gets it. I'll let him come to me for answers, in the meantime I will hold my ground with him, and not back down. But he needs to come to me for answers.

  3. If we are empty it's because our parents never filled us up. I keep seeing science shows about predictors of success and happiness and they are all tied into the nurturing we received in the first couple of years of life. I feel luck my mother never smoked. She would have used me for an ash tray.

    1. Yes, this woman has large extended family on both sides, and can have a party tomorrow night, and there will not be room for all the space the guests would show up. Me, well, you know. I feel like a heel for demanding my high standards and stuff. I am sick about it. I feel so insignificant in comparison. That is what blocks me and makes me feel so bad about myself. My momma didn't love me, then it was me who was unloveable. I know that is not true, I know it, but still this thoughts, they plague me. There is a clip on Family Guy show where Britney Spears uses her own son's head as an ashtray, and I heard that one time she used Crest Whitestrips on her little baby's teeth. That is just so horrific.

      And now, having to use my own judgement is petrifying.

    2. That alters an entire life, no love in those early stages of development. Some of the worse get attachment disorders and sociopathy like those Russian orphans. Some of us may have attached to our siblings so we didn't go that route. My mother used to brag about how I could be left alone in the crib for hours and would not cry. It must be something I got used to. I still adhere to the "refrigerator mother" theories on autism for a reason. ACONs are made to feel unlovable. I've been thinking about myself like how I always felt like I had to "prove" myself to others, and the few good relationships I had were the secure ones where I wasn't caught in this trap.

    3. I grew up thinking I was spoiled. Omgosh, and I think I even remember telling Lisette from House of Mirrors, that mother loved me, and my gosh, then down the pit, then confused, then realizing I never had love from mother from the early stages of development. Funny thing was, I never acted spoiled when I saw real spoiled children, I was made to have to be good to them for being so spoiled myself, that I needed to be a doormat. I always felt unloveable. Still do. I always wonder, why does it still hurt so much?

    4. Why did I let them get into my head? I do not even like big parties with tons of guests. I would never be happy in such an environment and I would wish the whole thing over so I could go back to a quiet evening sipping tea and looking out over at the lake. That's who I am.

  4. In an old relationship from way back I had a pretty rambunctious Significant other. I can't remember if it was wife number 1 or before I met her. But I said if I have to tell you not to F*** some guy I am with the wrong person. LOL! on the family guy reference. I was thinking about my comment after I posted it. My mother would never have put cigarettes out on her kids because she couldn't explain them away. Tho she could have had to of defaulted to her prove it tactic.
    Are those cigarette burns on the kids?
    It sure looks like it.
    Prove it! and she would have dragged my father to the bedroom by his willy and we would have had hell to pay the next day,

    1. That's interesting, that if you have to tell her not to fuck someone you are with the wrong person. I wonder how DH would feel if I told him I wanted to show my you know what to some random guy, I wonder what he will say. Then I will tell him that its ok, it will be to a stranger, one step down from SIL did from incestuous behaviour and I know you are ok with that, then I will walk away, and see how he feels about that. Interesting logic.

      But I've grown tired of thinking about it. I have all this stuff spinning in my head, and I started to second guess myself that maybe I'm imagining the whole thing. So I'll just stick with my feelings of hurt. No dinner tonight, and I didn't brush my hair, he's gone to work. He asked me what's wrong, I said, you know. He said, you are making up problems, I said, if you say so, your moral compass doesn't work anyway. Let him come to me for answers, I'm tired of this. I'm doing all I can, taken the other room, told him how I feel, let him deal with it.

      Its funny how Family Guy seems to get it right, I like that show. My mother was always saying PRove it. But it was hard to prove anything with them.

  5. When you argue, you tend to validate the other person's points just by giving them that acknowledgement. All the sins in the world can be argued down, unfortunately. Just a look, sometimes can tell the other person that they are wrong, and that's enough really. If all they have to do is wake up. Just a look saying, "Oh come on...." is all that is needed. Hopefully, but it will only work if they are in there to begin with.
