
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Challege of Being Enough

I know its been a long time since I've posted anything, and its like I get caught up in things that are very difficult for me to navigate.  I should blog, but the reading of that won't be so pleasant, I want to bring value.  I've been feeling this and that, and a big argument with my oldest daughter caused her to block me on facebook.  We don't agree on things, we never did, she never respected me and even now, she tells me that I was a non-existent parent and still am.  She said she had to learn many things on her own when she was growing up, and it was like I wasn't there.  But now, she seems to always want me to help, and I of course have my limitations.  As I try to work through my limitations, life doesn't allow me time to process, and then things get screwed up.  Things happen too fast and I'm left trying to figure things out.

One thing I did was open my bible and started reading and started praying, then some kind of revelation came over me, and I am now ready to write and share.  Please, whatever you do, make whatever limitations you do have, make it all ok.  Even if you are struggling trying to choose what cereal to buy, just go to another part of the store and do all the easy shopping, and when you are ready go make the ones that require choice.  Give yourself that peace of knowing that when you are picking out the simpler items, that when you get to the cereal boxes, you'll be alright in doing so.

So, no matter what limitations, just make it all ok.  When you judge yourself, you have all this calamity to deal with.  I mean, it just doesn't go anywhere.  Self-care becomes difficult.  Getting out of bed becomes difficult, and I even let the woodstove go out a couple of times this week.  I was not attentive, it was like I was stuck in the past, to the way it was.  And as ACON's we need our attentiveness, even to battle the human predators out there.  Its like this fog comes over, and we become helpless to stop it.

All my children are able to hold down employment, and this is something I am very proud of.  So I give them kudos, and to my oldest daughter, well, she thinks I live a very perfect and privileged life. But such is not the case.  I have very serious issues, with my relationship even.  Its like I'm still not used to him.  He has lived a different kind of life from me.  I'm scared if he finds out too much.  But still vulnerability is a cornerstone in relationships, I know that.  It takes a lot of work for me, and I struggle and I struggle.  Be mad at me if you want, this is not something I choose, this is something that happened regardless.  But, my children don't live like this, they don't have the deep pain.

Our marital issues are not related to a serious issue as one might imagine.  It is a deep core issue. If you've been reading here, you know what I mean.  I get through this daily, one day at a time.  A relationship with someone of the opposite sex is tough even at its best times, with the most stable people, marriage is at a 50% success rate.  That doesn't scare me.  I know what I have to do.  But lots of what I have to do is going through fear, and other tough battles I have to go through.  My mind is a very dangerous thing, so I tend to try to go by my emotions, no matter what.

My oldest daughter has bought some furniture on time.  This I cautioned her against, something might happen.  Things are starting to happen now, and I'm afraid she might not be able to pay for it. She is asking for money to pay for the other bills, like the phone bill, so I know what is going on. She doesn't make a lot of money, not minimum wage, but an ok money.  She has a job where she has regular hours, but can work anytime she wants to.  She can make extra money when needed.  She has split custody of the kids with her ex.  I think she can be ok, she can hold down a job, and she can make a good life, and the ex is a good father.  But she does these crazy things, so I got scared for her.

She need not ever see poverty, but she seems to be making it happen by needing to have to keep up with the Joneses, and making things very difficult.  I know she needs to grow on her own, but then I get dragged into it, with her needing me, for money, whatever.  Anyway, I can't talk about that anymore.  Long story short she is not talking to me.   Just something I have to pray through.

My youngest daughter is having a relationship issue.  That I can handle.  I got a handle on that stuff. She just needs to be more expressive with him, and not hold everything in.

Another problem with my youngest's boyfriend.

Well, he bought some car tires from a friend and the tires didn't fit the car.  I asked him if he checked to see if they would fit, and he said, "No, I trusted my friend who was supposed to do it for me."   The tires set him back $400.  And his friend won't give him back the money, for his friend insists the tires fit.

Well, I don't have to tell an ACON what this is all about.  I told him a little.  I am very open with the kids, however, there are some things I can't tell.  After a while, he said that he needed counselling.  I don't doubt that.  Perhaps he does.  However, I do have my own experience with it.  When my daughter first got involved with him, I found out he was an abused child with lots of physical abuse, who left home at  14 and almost starved on the streets.  Since then he has built up his life, got working, and is a very stable young man at 25.

I went to many counsellors, some good, some useless.  I had to give up caffeine, stop this, stop that. Try walking very slow, doing things in slow motion sometimes.   All of which I did of course, I wanted to get better.  One problem remained.  Why did I exist as a nervous wreck?  So after absorbing the ton of information on the internet about narcissistic parents, I realized that someone can read all this stuff, and yeah, experience it even, but in the end it may not make no never mind, and its not like they don't care, its just that they don't get how this may apply to them.

I used to think that people bullied me.  I thought I was the target of bullies.  "Its just your imagination".  "Why do you think everyone is out to get you?  No one is out to get you."  Hmm, wow, and when you read how we are targets and became lifelong targets, you start to see the truth. This whole world is going crazy, and I can see it.

He's a good guy who believes his friend would never take advantage of him.  "Oh, he only needed money and that is why he did it."  Oh, so this is why he scammed you?  His so called friend.

I felt the need to describe what a narcissitic person was.  For a long time.  This is not a person.  This is a greedy little beggar who goes looking for ways to milk human kindness.  This is a disgusting creature, bound for the fire, they are not the wheat, they are the chaff.  They will remain the chaff, for they are just gone.  As we Christians, seek to gather the wheat for God's harvest, the chaff will be not accepted.  It is done.

Some people read that portion of scripture and think that chaff will become wheat someday for God will save them.  No.  Chaff is chaff.  Get over it.  It is done.  They are only here because the good people remain, and God is seeking them out.  He will use destructive means and it will hurt the good people.

Narcissists like money or so it seems.  My mother was never about money, for she never had any. Any money she had she spent it in such a way that made her look good.  I guess you can say that she was all about money for she made poverty give her a high status.  It did.  Most of us, when in poverty, don't look so good, but she did.  Don't ask me how, but she did it.

And narcs who do have money, it is only for the flaunting of it.  But  I swear to you right now, that it is beyond their reach to understand the enjoyment of it.  They enjoy flaunting it.  They enjoy hurting you with it.  There was once this episode on "Little House on the Prairie" when Nellie Olsen somehow trapped Laura Ingalls into her room.  She had dolls, toys, clothes aplenty.  So when Laura left unshaken from the house, Nellie threw her expensive toys all around, destroying them, for they did not give her the "supply" she needed.  I thought that episode was very accurate.  She did not love the toys.  She only wanted them to cause pain to others.  And when this didn't happen she hurled them for they were now useless.

So just by realizing that it is foolish to even think in terms of trying to impress the narcs in the world. It really don't matter to them.  To have something very impressive is ok, but only if you want it.  Not because you feel forced to keep up with this crazy society.  To me, some money in your pocket is much better.  But some people buy and buy and buy, and they live stone cold broke with good money, where they could live well.  Just to impress, I don't know, but all this stuff, to me. is meaningless.

I wonder about narcs.  How does that brain work?  It only needs to feed of the milk of human kindness, of human value.

So when my daughter's boyfriend said his friend meant well, or otherwise had good intentions, I knew for me the gig was up.  His friend could have walked in the door when I was there, and I would have walloped him.  This friend, which I don't know anything about, is shady.  At the very least.  And I know my daughter's boyfriend was targeted.  I wanted to give him a heads up about that, but its hard.  This is not easy stuff we talk about.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink applies here.  But we did have a very long talk about it.

And I get the feeling that this has been happening to the dear boy for a very long time.  It would be cool wouldn't it?  If at 25, we could have had our freedom, the way we do now, to know what we know about narcs back them would have been like gold.  So what do I do?

He says he knows he needs counselling, but is there any counselling for us really?  I've been a pile of nerves.  Even after counselling I knew some stuff.  But, it wasn't enough really.  Something else was going on some truth I needed to know.  I've been in the dark, even rejected the very notion that people have been targeting me.  I mean, how did I come to believe that even?  Simple truth, but its very hard, for no one even believes it.  Its like I had to call the whole world crazy to call myself normal.  I had to have the confidence to get there.

So I gave him some good information.  I sent my daughter this website and asked her to get him to read it.  Its the 12 steps for scapegoats to follow.  Its been a few days, and so far he has not read it. Do I pile on more information?  This is delicate stuff.  Not to be passed around, I have too much respect for it.  I need him to come to the realization on his own.  I know he knows something is terribly wrong with the way his life goes, that is a start.  It feels terrible to say that.  In order for him to get better, he has to realize the cold hard truth.

I know a lot of stuff has been taken off our shoulders, once we are able to process this stuff.  I could have had a therapist even tell me that mother was a narc, and this is the beginning of my sorrows, but would I have believed it?  Who wants to believe that about the parents, who raised us?  Its very hard.  I came to the reality, myself, by researching a relationship site, my go to site, when things go badly in my life.  The woman teaches on everything.  And could have even been an engulfed daughter herself.  She told us that her mother never gave birth to a baby girl, her mother gave birth to a soon to be lawyer.  Who she would make her become a lawyer.  A fiercely independent woman, strong and capable.  She did become a lawyer, only wanting to be a mother and wife, but I digress, this is not my story to tell.

But the incredible insight I got, about authenticity, about our true selves, opened, and paved the way into the truth about my narcissistic mother.  Could I have gotten there any other way?  I knew mother was mean and nasty, but this I believed to be normal, that mother was kind and caring in such a way, that it came out as mean.  She only wanted the best for me.  What a load of shit that was.

Awakening to the truth didn't take a lot of work on my part.  It was and it wasn't.  It was more of a spiritual journey more than anything.  Instead of work, I had to just open.  That is the best way I can describe it.

So now when things get complicated I know I have to take a break and just relax.  Getting back to relaxing might feel wrong, but its the only way I can function.  Even if I have to stumble through life, which is not perfect anyway.  It seems like I'm slower than anyone else.  And I try to hide that, then it just looks bad on me.  My intentions are to try my best, just that it isn't always going to be perceived by others that way.  For their best is always better.  Most people function way better than me, and I don't try to block that, for that would be dangerous.  That way I could start acting out in bad ways, but I just accept myself.  And that way I can bring my highest value self to all the lives I touch.

I used to have nightmares that by not being good enough, then what the heck was I good for?  What was the point of anyone having me around?  They could do better without me.  So this guilt lives with me too.  I started out thinking that all I had to do was make everything ok.  But my oldest child telling me that I was not good enough, really speaks volumes.  I swear I was not a drug addict or a drunk or a partier, but I might as well have been, for someone like that is a lot better than me.  They can function better than me.

Well, I thought I had worked through these emotions before I wrote.  One thing I do know, is I'M ENOUGH will steadily be challenged.  I need to constantly remind myself that I am enough, just the way I am.  What do I have to do to be enough in this world?  We are born enough.


  1. I never know if the person I am dealing with is a narcissist or just an asshole. Or a little of both. If more people presented in the extreme way as my mother it would be easy. I think most people are just not self aware. We have an ongoing struggle here with things like the cleanliness of the kitchen etc. There is a point where the kids lack of being disgusted by them selves isn't enough to make them pick up after them selves. Some one doesn't matter who except to say it wasn't me dropped a pizza cutter on the floor. My wife picked it up last night and put it in the dishwasher. I dare say if not for her picking it up it would still be there. Because I was taking a survey of how long it would sit before somebody picked it up. If you have to tell someone that you are tired of stepping over the cutter and it should be picked up and cleaned and put in the drawer. Does us enduring that make us enablers of nasty living or do we get disgusted and be labeled as tyrants. I just get tired of it all becoming this giant power struggle. The kids.......they are adults in age only, are impossible to deal with over minutiae like this. We are not letting them be their true self on the road to self actualization. We just get tired of living in squalor. Sorry I took the scenic route somehow I got derailed by the tires. I don't know how a person buys the wrong size tires.

    1. I think as parents its my job to teach them to be adults. I'd pick up the cutter for I would trip over it would be my complaint to them. And with adult children its very hard isn't it? I mean I have no choice if they drive over a cliff, they make their own decisions. Its frustrating. They can name their babies after the characters in the Simpson's show, it gets difficult, and I get attacked when I say something. But yeah, part of the job is to teach them to be adults, responsible adults. We can't live for as long as they will, what will they do then.

    2. OH and regarding the asshole or narcissist, I think sometimes people can be thoughtless, it happens, but what was this thoughtless? This was scamming. I never met the guy before, but I just go by my gut.

    3. About the tires, well, buddy told him he some tires to sell him, and told him they were the right size, that he even measured them. My daughter's boyfriend just believed him and never checked to see if they fit first before he paid him. They were the wrong size. But buddy is insisting they do fit, so won't give him back the money.

    4. I'd be the one leaving the pizza cutter on the floor. LOL We are so bad at housework, though I would not leave a utensil on the floor because chances are I'd step on it and cut my foot. We live in squalor but then I think your kids have healthy bodies, they could pick up that pizza cutter and it'd be nothing to them. I wonder if all the fast paced society has messed up brains for cleaning. Cleaning is boring and no one wants to do it. I'd make them do their own pizza next time maybe. I hate to think if I had kids Id be screaming at them over housework like I was yelled at but then no one wants to live in filth either. Leaving a pizza cutter on the floor kind of crosses the bad at housework into sloth, I don't wanna line.

    5. There's always small claims court. He may have to do that for the tires or sell them and get new ones in trade. Maybe he can take them to one of those used tire stores and trade them in for ones that fit. We have had to get used discount tires.

    6. He'll sell the tires online, but he still needs to get some more. I don't think he would approach small claims court.

  2. You are enough. You just have to believe it.

    1. Yep, you were given a nose to breathe with, its like that for a reason. To be alive, and enough in this world.

    2. I can't be what they want anyhow. I am having to accept that. Even the 1200 calorie diet crap, Im a realist and know what I can handle. 1800 is possible and done all the time so maybe I stay fat. Oh well. I'm not into killing hunger pain. My body tries to take me out everytime I try to push myself on anything even things I like so what choice do I have? The comparison, competition games have got me worn out to the max. I had to embrace being an underachiever to survive, because I wasnt an Eagle Scout and didn't make my 6 figures, to be considered a person "That mattered". Oh it sucks. Now I just want to sleep and be, and when I can walk hang out on the beach or in the woods.

    3. If we could get out of the approval toilet we would be so much better.

    4. I agree. I like that name for it.....I may write on this issue too.

    5. Aw please do. It can get complicated at times, so any thing you say will be great. Its when I don't feel good about myself I start seeking approval of everyone around me, and that is no good. It makes me a taker, for I am wanting to take approval from them, instead of being a complete human where I can add to someone's life.

  3. I guess what I was trying to say in that first comment would be this. If you want to a boundary where you want it don't put me in a position where I am the one drawing it. Passive aggressiveness is a hallmark of people that grew up like us. So if you crowd me you don't get to complain when and if I don't enforce my boundaries where and when you want me too.

    1. Yeah, people always crowd me and expect me to make quick decisions. That's where things get out of hand for me. Then I feel crushed. I can build up all of my emotional resources, but someone can take them down. I guess I'll be having to work on that.

      But how do you tell this to the other children and family members who don't know.

    2. I feel like people always expected things of me I simply could not do. Even now because I am disabled some think I can be super volunteer, and I have to say Look I am not dependable. Staying alive comes first. Even a once a week for an hour thing isnt going to be easy with months of housebound weather or an illness that slams me. Being Aspie I failed them on the emotional front, not saying the nice things. I sometimes worry I only have my husband and a few friends because I just wasn't enough. I wasn't enough for my stupid family. To stay alive, I am going to just have to be and not care anymore. Staying alive is hard enough. People push me to always go faster and do more then I can deliver. Sometimes I am angry I slide through the cracks and just because I am good at school work, doesnt mean I was good at all the stuff they expected.

    3. When I was asked to attend something next month, a quilt show and tell, I said no, and gave no reason for it. I was tired, and dealing with so much is not easy for me. I used to feel stupid, but now I know why I'm like this and make no apology for it.

    4. Hey you practiced JADE. I'm wondering about myself lately, I only did a FEW things, it's crazy. Time to demand immunologist, hospital stay? I don't know....I know I feel less enthused about activities. Sometimes I'm dragging myself out just to say I've done something. How sad is that?

    5. I remember you writing about JADE. Was that what it was? I do that now, but I didn't in the past, but now knowing what I know, its foolish to look at normal people, non-ACON's and try to explain myself. Every one pushes eachother, and I am in the development phase, and they will never know, well, I just say no.

  4. I swear I am not making this up, but the pizza cutter is exactly where it was before we picked it up and put it in the dish washer. And it's been joined by an empty pasta box. Back before I was married it was the kiss of death to bring a date home to a sloppy house. I almost want to ask if they are yanking my chain but to seriously ask this is liable to start an argument. To me throwing trash on the floor is unthinkable. My wife was in Florida and I kept the house picked up so she wouldn't come home to a landfill. After she got home from the trip it was like that daughter who doesn't keep up with trash almost let out a sigh of relief. Like mom's home so I can throw stuff on the floor and not have to listen to the old bastard. So we have to live in the lowest pig sty denominator. I lived in a road construction crew for awhile so she knows not who she is trying to out slob. She's an amateur.

    1. I think we are afraid to start arguments. In the beginning I did that and things went wrong all the time. Now I just be authentic, things are so much better. Even if it don't seem that way at first. He may get angry, because trustability is always an issue, and when your open about things, trust is there. Its kinda about weighing things over other things, which are more important.

      But were they ever told to pick up after themselves? I swear some people are not slobs on purpose, but they really need to learn what is expected out of them. I mean, I don't want to live with crap all over the floor. I can imagine. I know things are not entirely of your choosing in this situation. I guess you and your wife work as a team, so maybe you say they are adults and they need to be treated like that. Just saying.

    2. DO you think it is willful or an overlook? I do think leaving utensils on the floor crosses a sloth line but in my case, my OT told me I have serious sensory problems beyond the physical that mess up housework. This place is a wreck right now. Most people would be horrified. The trash is taken out and the hallways are empty of debris expect my shoes but this place needs so much cleaning. I'd be the one forgetting the pizza cutter was there. A lot of young people are so distracted, I can tell people are getting worse at housework. I'm not sure its their fault, I am so bad at it and was even during healthier years. Ever step takes so much thinking, do I wash the pizza cutter, where's a towel to dry it? What drawer to put it in. Some of my OCD would kick in where I would think of floor germs and would be tired from rinsing it under hot water. Maybe they think its easier to just leave it there. LOL My executive function is shot, and I think with today's kids attention spans maybe they match me on that. I wrote a housecleaning list for me and husband two weeks ago, it had stuff like bleach the kitchen, and heavy duty clean stuff. I cleaned out the cupboards where the cans are stored, that is clean and tidy but it took me two hours and then I got tired and husband had to help me finish, and with this I am sitting down for rests. And that is only task I did, and then we had to go do this other stuff, he had to work, I had to cook dinner, we went to a club meeting, etc. Nothings getting done now. I wish I knew someone who was good at housework. I think they are more organized in their brains and they can get it done and not think so much. For me it is an odyssey. Cleaning out those cupboards, took so much thinking....

  5. Its hard there's so many expectations now. I know I am struggling with feeling like I am enough, so critcized and ground into the ground and my body is not measuring up. I can't do anything without getting sick. Everytime I push myself to do anything, or be social it seems my body collapses. Maybe I need to learn that sense of feeling valuable just by being alive. This society has gotten so judgy. Is that a word? LOL Everything's a contest and we always have to worry about doing everything "right" and no one gets to live anymore. I hope your relationship issues work out, no relationship is easy, all have their challenges even the good ones. You have tried your best with your kids, I feel like I have failed so many just from being sick and like I am failing friends now. Husband is understanding so don't have that feeling with him but I know I got sick from him being sick and the worry came over me in tidal wave in the last couple days watching him limp around and feeling scared for him. Dealing with money the young its hard. They don't realize how poverty can come so quick or the wolves at the door. I hope things can get better for her. If I had kids, I probably would have scared them about money and turned them into misers or something. They also need to see for themselves how the world really works. Why did it take me this long? Now I'm old and didn't get this information fast enough. Narcs don't enjoy their money its just for showtime, its the hover camera appearance stuff, the DISPLAY. I am glad you tried to warn them about things included son about the tires.

    1. We are enough, and we have no choice to not believe that. Just the way it is. I guess judgy is a word for the new age we are in. I don't feel good all the time, and its like this pit in my stomach of fear to even have kids. They don't know what awaits them, what the future will bring, keep some money. I managed to do that all my life. And it was hard, I couldn't hold down a job but I somehow got through. I was a miser. I had to be out of necessity or I and the kids would never have survived. Yes there will always be people judging us. People who don't care about the things they have or the money they have, its like God has destroyed their ability to even enjoy it. When they go on a pricey vacation, its a big talk and big show. I don't know what they do when no one is watching, its like they just shut off. They will never enjoy watching a butterfly roam around the yard. I don't know everything about them, but I know that. And I know that I know that. When you feel like you are being judged, it is only a sick depraved mind who would do that. I mean seriously? They enjoy that? Then there is nothing to them but a puff of smoke.

      I hope things get better for you and your husband and his limp will ease up. The tires, he could probably sell on online and get the money back, but he is helping that said buddy out this weekend with moving, and I .... well the show goes on. But I get to talk to them tomorrow, and hopefully, might get through to him. But just do what I can and don't worry about the outcome.

    2. I agree we have to believe we are enough to survive even don't we? Yeah judgy for the new era of always being measured like with those three judge shows. I'd be scared to have kids in this world. If I had kids after hearing my story who knows what they'd become just not to end up like me. My neices and nephews consider me radioactive for the poverty and body alone, like they are going to "catch it".
      I'm surprised I didn't end up in the gutter honestly but that could still await me I'm so close to it but glad you made it. Paying bills here is a byzantine exercise. We have a 300 dollar radiator repair next month to do.

      If I had a kid, I would tell them the USA economy has collapsed, learn a trade and practical skills, too bad I could not teach them any of these things. I probably would be pushing them to move overseas for survival but then I would miss them. At least you all are in Canada, it's a better place to be then here.

      With kids your money pressures would be so immense. Oddly I and the husband had conversation today, saying we never could have afforded kids barely able to take care of ourselves.

      Yeah all the judgers, everything is about being perfect to them and measuring up to the human corporate judges or something, they have no fun or enjoyment with all their money and possessions, the narcs are always angry and pissed off even when the bills are paid and they own a vacation home. Maybe to get money in the first place you have to be hard and angry. I don't know. I have failed to figure out the money equation. Even the vacations they do what everyone else is doing, Florida, blah blah, I think of fun places I'd go with cash.I'd do DIFFERENT things. I think they do shut off. Nature bores the hell out of them. My narcissists found my butterfly and nature center stuff incomprehensible.
      Yeah there's no art to them, no soul, no beauty of the sunset. They are bored, wht's next? What are their brains full of? Nothing?

      Yeah let's judge the fat woman with a rare disease, why even waste the time, they want me to be Martha Stewart or something, the ones want the narc supply of friends who all look like them I guess.

      Thanks I hope I get over this infection. I don't think it will mean the hospital but I am thinking about asking to go in for more tests and the fatigue is so bad. I'm getting a life where I'm getting so slowed down.

      I hope he can get the tires dealt with, with the friend, it took me so long to see through people like that, he's young but I hope gets it sooner.

    3. Sorry about the radiator needing to cost so much. Gee. That is why I'm so hard on my daughter about money. And being realistic. The furniture she bought will cost her 3 times of what its worth. Second hand stores sell very beautiful furniture these days, for hardly anything. Not the crappy stuff I had, but really good stuff. And she has 3 children, would have made more sense. Less worries. She can live moderately well, but she won't.

      But I wouldn't worry about the judging of them so much. I know its easy to say, but these freaks don't really care anyway. Its just a robot, started up just to create bother. That's all they are. They go on big vacations just to say they did, they can't possibly enjoy it. They say they do, but when I had an MN friend who went to Cuba, she saw poor people there and she told me that it was surprising the resorts would allow these people around tourists. no kidding.

      I hope he gets it too, about his friend, about others who maybe targeting him.

    4. Yes the radiator is not easy. We are piecemealing car repairs, at least it is running, we had a coil to fix but at least engine was not blown. I worry about us with the bus, I may have to fight to get real Paratransit services and dread it. I need the people who show up at scheduled times, my body and mind cannot handle 2 hour waits. At that point I won't be going anywhere. I consider getting a roommate so we can afford another car, but the roommates scare me and the way my health is, I can't take the stress of them. I know we are not clean and tidy enough and even to clean out the second bedroom would be very hard task. That room is tidy but its FULL.

      Would it shock you to tell you I have never had a nice piece of furniture except acouple things given to me? Well my hospital bed was new, but that's it, outside of one bed, and couch, everything came from thrift, or was being thrown out by someone else. I know now bed bugs are a concern, but I never would buy new furniture even if I was of means, I consider most of it shoddily made and would get old stuff just because it would last. So yeah I hope your daughter figures out the new furniture thing is just a way to be driven into depth. I can't believe the ads I see where they want 1,000 bucks for a couch. Second hand stores it's much better. I don't even buy lamps new. No way. I have a lamp in my bedroom from the 1950s that works that was gotten at a thrift store. This place is very "ecletic" but too messy and not high brow enough to be shabby chic, LOL

      The judgers don't care, and while they torture people with their constant demands, most of them are miserable people and for some reason a lot had eating disorders. I am not talking healthy eating or eating salad at lunch-- but puking, laxatives, sugar binges after starving all day. They had other rigid rules for life too where there was never to be any pleasure. One told me I was too poor to ever eat out. Actually if I find a 5 dollar deal for a meal, that can be cheaper then buying the food and making it.

      That's sad about the friend saying that about the poor. Yeah they want the poor hidden away, even in America, it's sick.

      Yeah I hope your son gets it too, I know that lesson came late for me. The schools aren't talking about or warning about these things. Even with the bullies, they seem to give the kids false ideals about bullies that worry me.

    5. I saw a few pieces second hand at a thrift store, that was about $50 for the couch and the other items very cheap, and the stuff looked pretty darn good. Not much in the way of wear and tear. But I'm afraid she will have to learn on her own, and I hope and pray that she does. But she doesn't respect me, never did. She moved out at 14, because she said she didn't want to be a live in babysitter. She got together with a few friends and got them and their parents to take her in. All I needed was for some help when the other kids were done school for the day and my oldest refused to help the family or have any compassion, and I did need her to help out some. Not that I used it against her, but then I started to realize she is contrary in all my dealings with her.

      I like to fix up old furniture. My vanity where I put my makeup on is an old sewing machine stand. And the chair, I waited all day for a yard sale to taper off so I could approach them for the chair for just a couple of bucks. Then I painted it and put on new fabric. The whole set is so cute, I will never change it. Oh, and the mirror, from a thrift store.

      Ok, I want that lamp you have from the 50's. I have some hand painted lamps, I painted myself. I got those for free many years ago from a women's shelter who had it to give for donations. So hubby nightstand has a flowery hand painted lamp with a lace doily. lol. He doesn't complain. But mine does too. And I paid nothing for these items. Not the lamp or the lace.

      I'm still thrifty, it feels so good.

      Yes, Cuba has poor people, surprising, not. I thought that was a very creepy thing for her to say.

      I hope that boy gets it too. I went there today, and he was talking to me of old music bands, and I think he would be good friends with Q. 25 and he is the oldest 25 year old around.

  6. They weren't raised like that. She has a lot of learning disabilities Peep. When I reference the step that has them this is the one I am talking about. I literally think she has a blind spot to places being dirty. The younger one will trash her space up but then joke about it. This one I don't think realizes what she does. She just doesn't connect that a pile of trash doesn't start as a pile but gets that way when you keep piling it all up.

    1. Some of her learning disbilities may make her blind to cleaning up. For me the Aspergers makes the mere steps of it all hard. I have to think out all the steps. I don't know how I get through most days. LOL What is weird with me is I think of everything that needs done and am dissatisfied, so it looks dirty as hell to me and I notice. She may really have a blind spot and not be paying attention. I wonder if she would qualify for occupational therapy, they can actually teach people to clean. Mine taught me to break things down in steps. She probably saved me from becoming a hoarder. The one joking about it needs to think of you both. Aspies suck at cleaning, well there is some who are neat freaks but that's not me. It is crazy how fast this apartment goes under, like I will clean it a bunch but it's gone in a day. It feels like the guy rolling that rock up the hill to have it come back on him. I think some give up cleaning with that feeling.

  7. You think like I do Joan. It's like a time travel episode. If I knew back then what I was up against would I change my life and make it better. That answer is easy but do you get to see where you would end up and be able to weigh which is better. There are things I wouldn't change at all and things that are sending me to an early grave.

    1. When everyone shrugs off what I say, its all I can do to keep from walloping them. I know what I know, and dammit, they are going to listen, lol, jk.

  8. I keep a running score on the people I know and how their lives have fared and who didn't come up around dysfunction and they mostly do far better than I. On every score. But there are a lot of things I wouldn't change no matter what the outcome.

    1. At this point, I feel like I would have changed everything. I married my second ex because someone told me he was a good guy. But I never knew he could barely wipe his butt.

    2. I'd want the same husband but I would hope in another universe his job prospects would go far better and mine too and new bodies for us both. LOL I would have run away from home at the age of 4 and taken the foster care gamble when they didn't know where I came from.

    3. If we ran away, they would have just brought us back to our mothers. I kept wishing every woman I met was my new mother. I was a dreamer.

    4. Me too. I wanted to run away so bad. Of course mine may not have been my actual mother complicating things but no one's talking if I'm right about that. Given the state of my body the chances are the real one is long gone.

  9. But they really don't appreciate how well they had it so I don't know if having a better life is all that important if you can't appreciate what you've got. Or that you think you are so entitled that you actually think you did it yourself. I am beginning to see life as a huge game of solitaire. Where you end up depends on where you started and how the cards fell after you began the game.

    1. That's it, exactly. When I tried to give my oldest the money advice, she tore right into me, telling me that I was never up to snuff, and that really hurt. But I never got a good set of cards to begin with. And sometimes I feel like I never improved them. I am ok with that and with everything, I just want the gut wrenching feeling to go away.

    2. It's like a crap shoot isn't? I drew some really hard cards. What do these people expect. The ones who have the good lives don't appreciate them and yeah they take it for granted. I had another conversation with husband, I said my parents yelled and screamed every minute but they were economically secure. They didn't deal with even 10 percent of what I have. I want the gut wrenching feelings to go away too. I'm too tired to "impress" anyone and too tired of playing "defense" just for being me.

    3. I think it may be a part of approval seeking. We need to blow that one out of the water. It will be a full time job, but it would be so worthwhile. When we become so critically aware of our faults, it makes it hard to just be ourselves.
