
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Horror Movies Review

I often think of my captivation over certain horror movies.  I wrote about it before but I wanted to revisit it at some time when I had more insight.  I think I might have that insight now.  I heard that they are remaking the movie "IT".  It was one of my favorites, it held me spellbound watching it repeatedly.  I so want to go and see it, however, I don't want to be caught doing that, what would people say?  That I am morbid and strange.  So I don't go see it.  I will have to hope that the new version will grace my tv at some point in time.

Plus too, my own Christian morals, how do I incorporate this into my life?  Am I to live some dreaded double life for the rest of my life?  Oh, well.  I suppose there are answers for that but in the meantime, I just want to examine one of my favorite films.

I think the scene "don't get caught in the deadlights", is a very fascinating piece.  Kinda like, well, what we go through.  See right through them, don't get caught in its deadlights for then you will die. This has me thinking of covert narcissism we recently discussed over at Q1605's blog.  I think I can see through them, but i have to keep it quiet.  Although the crap is going on around me, it is important that I at least appear to be normal.  Once you believe and fall for the trap, you are in trouble.

Just this week I felt it again.  Stuff was happening, and the deadlights were coming after me, and I am afraid that I appeared silly.  Hard to explain.  Try to be normal, when you can see past their shit, into the realm of the covert narcissist, and no one else does.  You just want to say something but nothing that comes out of your mouth will even appear sane.

What I tend to do, is that I lock myself up at home.  I don't leave the house, but staying home too long gets me very lonely.  So I go out there, and then I get hurt, then I come back home and the process begins all over again.

DH is thinking he will get his revenge on his "buddy" that took, and took, and took from him and everyone around here.  We all live out here one a private road, and everyone pays to get it plowed but "buddy" who goes to Florida for the winter has decided to forgo the necessary snowplowing.  He said he was fine for when he comes back in April he has no need.  We still have many feet of snow so he does need it done, and has asked to borrow the equipment to do it himself, without paying.  His part of the road, that is.  No can do.  Equipment breaks down so a steady stream of money has to be paid into the group to do it.  I knew from day one this guy was trouble, but I only knew it in my emotions. DH is not plowing his part of the road on command of this guy, he used to do this for.  Long story, long story, basically DH thinks its about the money this guy doesn't want to pay.  I believe it has nothing to do with the money.  This is all a game and DH is playing the game accordingly, and I have no choice but to sit back and watch.

This guy has already instilled fear in a few of the people who live here.  No one wants to go after him and everyone has to pay, they would rather not say anything.  Although one guy is, DH is leaving it up to him.  I know I can tear this guy in two, if it were left up to me.  But it is not up to me, everyone else is caught up in the deadlights of this guy who does not want to pay the $500 per year.  He goes to Florida every year, it is not about the money, IT IS ABOUT WINNING.  I"ve seen too many narcish behaviours from him.

DH told me that the guy will be angry, and he likes that idea of making him angry.  I told him that it has nothing to do with him personally, but he thinks it does.  He rambles on about how the guy has made enemies around here.  I told him that people can turn on you fast, be careful.  And I told him, that "buddy" might turn up here on the door, placing his charm, perfectly in place, and he can easily have you and everyone on his side.  He might come here with a peace offering, ie screw you over.  I don't put it past him.  They don't do the normal, "be mad at you".

ACON's have been going through this for a lifetime.  I see it all over the place.  I felt that the movie "IT" is a very appropriate movie, very much keeping up with what we have to go through.

Come to think of it, we were talking about "Covert Narcissism" over at Q's blog.  I have an opinion of it.  I think its someone severlely twisted, but appears to be normal and sane.  Also, I think there is an overt narcissist as well.  This is someone who basically hides in plain sight.  My mother was like that.  You sort of overlook her patterns, and convince yourself that she is normal and sane.

I've been reading some of Anna V's blog, and I learned that I am much too nice to the human predators called narc's.  I truly have.  I didn't start out that way.  When I first started writing, I was very hard on them, good thing, for I was reading of Anna's blog, but then I started to go on my own, and I have been much too kind to these creatures.  That is going to end.

Narcs, borderlines, call them what you will, but they are the most insideous creatures. Disgusting, horrible, and totally intentionally that way.  Don't trick yourselves into believing otherwise, or you'll get caught up in the deadlights.  If you want to you can just call them what they are, assholes.  You can just switch the word "narc" or "borderline" with "asshole"  in your mind, and you will see the snowjob.

Another movie I thought was great was the one called funny games.  I don't know if you've seen this movie, I totally had to own that movie and I bought it, and I watch it now and again to get some learning.  I've been doing this before I had awakened.

This clip missed the part about the eggs.  These bad guys wanted eggs, and the family was unable to get them the eggs, and as such they had to die.  They killers did everything "decent and normal".  Was very moral, kept the peace, it was just a game afterall.  The family wasn't very polite, but you could see the bad guys not being polite, but you might not see it.  Not supposed to see it.

I have been moaning about this for too long and no one listens to me.  I see bad behaviour wherever I go, I can go to my quilting guild happy to be around people, then I come home all tired and spaced out.

Then its back home, to watch my shows.  I own the full series of "Little House on the Praire", I watch those too.  And I watch twisted horror movies.  I wonder if this explains my personality.

I wonder how the writers even manage to get this stuff seeing as we are very rare.  They are just making a movie, to make money, but they hit on certain truths.  I don't know why that is.

I like how Anna V used the pseudonym of Anna Valerious.  This is a character in a horror movie about a vampire slayer.  Growing up the way we did, it is a miracle we even survived.  If you don't become one of them, they will drive you crazy, but if you do awaken, you become the vampire slayer. It is not a comfy position.  I think I've been telling people this all my life, I would just speak my truths into the air.  Nothing I ever did say really mattered, everyone was too caught up in the deadlights.


  1. I like the guy that plays the father. He is always playing some off character. This may be the most normal part I have seen him play. He robs a coffee shop in pulp fiction and he plays a loan shark in Even Money all sociopaths, all done well. For random violence and odd sociopath behavior I highly recommend a clockwork orange.

  2. Wow, I didn't know he played all sociopaths except for this one. I'll check that out when I get a chance. Seems like the movies really helps to know what we are dealing with.

  3. Have you read "Catcher in the Rye"? The protagonist thinks of himself as the protector of innocent kids playing too close to this cliff and how he catches them before they fall. He says he is the "Catcher in the Rye". That's what we have to be until people can recognize these bastards from their own experience. It's a dirty job but someone ought to do it.

  4. I read it decades ago. I don't remember that part though. I imagine that while we know these things, the rest of the world just keeps going on doing what they do. That's why I gave this posting a normal title, hopefully it will draw in some people wanting to check out horror movies and might stay and read awhile.

    So you watched Funny Games did you? Wasn't that one just too mind boggling? I mean right up in your face about how crazy these guys were, but yet project an air of decency. That's what I saw anyway.

  5. I didn't watch the whole movie just the clip you posted.

    1. Ah, clean cut polite guys, hell bent on murder. Seems like thats the way they are in real life.

  6. Joan,

    I too enjoy horror movies ever since I can remember. I explain it as giving me a more homey feeling than the regular movies with the happy families and the witty, popular kids. The latter I can't relate to whereas with a horror movie I guess I think about how there's so much worse than can happen and it's kind of consoling.

    1. I understand the homey feeling it gives you. Sort of like, this is normal, at least its worse than what I had to go through. Its also a feeling of familiarity. I only relate sometimes to the happy movies depending on if something is out of the normal, like a survivor movie, or Little House on the Prairie, stories about hardships. But just regular happy annoys me.

  7. I used to watch horror movies but one thing I am into but don't talk about much, is I am into true crime. I have read about every true crime book out there and Anne Rice books. I am sure some Christians would say I am too fascinated by "evil" but hey I grew up surrounded by evil and even had murderers as students later on. What do they expect? Of course I am going to study evil a bit to even know how to "fight" it. A lot of people don't get me. They don't realize the crucible I grew up in made me a fighter and activist on different fronts, the one who asked, "Do you want to be remembered for your harsh critique of the world?" supposedly knew me for four years and NEVER GOT ME.

    1. I think that is what it is, a study on evil. I know we have a harsh critique on the world, but isn't it true? What we went through, everyone else seems to be blind to. I think we can balance things too, but I can grow stronger with the horror movies. I used to feel weird for this, but even then it felt very rational and normal too. And now, it just makes sense.
