
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Living Outside of Abuse

This might come across as a little like a rant.  I've been doing some reading.  And I'm not blaming anyone, but I feel like some of the abuse information comes across as confusing as heck, even the stuff from abuse sites.  Maybe it is just my perception, but I want to clear up a few things.

I mean I don't get it.  Its a little to blase for my needs, I'm always needing more, and I feel like they throw out this information, then its nah, nah, sucks to be you, you don't get it ha ha.  And it hurts.  I don't come with the skill, the know how here, and this sucks.  Its too clinical, you know, disconnected.

Look, the first thing I need when I'm countering a problem in my relationship is, well, I need to get out of pain.  I need that addressed first before anything else.  Help me, I don't care about him, He might be the biggest douchebag around but to be serious, this is all about me, not him.  Telling me that he is wrong, that he is abusive, well, it doesn't help me.

Abuse is what it is.  I doubt that any woman has a hard time recognizing it.  We may have come from abusive backgrounds, but even me, I was well aware I was in abusive situations.  I was also well aware that I had neither the skills or the knowledge to handle a regular relationship problem.  I could never find the answers, until now.  You see the problem isn't in that other person.

Now I struggle with my emotional resources, if you been reading here, you know that, I can tear through anything, throw a good fit, cross boundaries.  Its because I feel scared, hurt, and I can use anger.  Its not the authentic me, I'm just hurt.  I need help with that.

I am a survivalist.  My mother only wanted me to die.  She took away any and all freedom from me. She emotionally molested me, and here I sit unable to function, but I do have my relationship site, I thank God every day for that.  The presence, the connection is unlike anything I've ever seen.

How about telling me that I am not to blame?  Hmm, that none of this is my fault.  Not that I am saying anyone is blaming me, but that is what it feels like when I venture into some sites. That whoever is writing it has it all figured out and I am a dumbass.

Take for instance, recognizing the signs of abuse, well, I have no trouble with what that is.  Nah, nah, kid stuff, I never did.  But I stayed with him anyway, does that make any sense?  Figure that one out for me instead. Please explain that one to me without blaming without making me feel bad, and without telling me that it is my fault.  Without even hinting that it is my fault.  I am hardwired to believe everything is my fault.  I needed someone to overcome that.

I've been in a few abusive relationships.  Is any of that my fault?  No, it isn't.  A lot of it is caused by not having the emotional resources.  Look, if I was born with no legs, is that my fault?  No.  If someone cut off my legs at the time I was a baby, is that my fault?  No it isn't.  But I can't walk, I can't understand how I am supposed to walk.  And everyone is expecting me to walk.

So what are emotional resources?  Its hard to explain.  This is what the narcissist is after.  The narcissist seeks out to destroy these things.  But you can't have a relationship without it.  That other person you are with is not responsible for my personal emotional resources.  How do we cultivate it? How do we become more resourceful?  These are things I need.  I still struggle with them, and when I struggle with them, I tend to bring out the worst in him.  And I don't blame him in particular, for I have seen how men run from me when I am like that.  It is not a comfortable place for me to be in when I have no idea why.  So what are the personal emotional resources?

It is a very terrifying place for me to be in when you tell me that I can't be with this man, because he is abusive and I know I can't be with a good man for they run from me.  And telling me how to recognize what a good man looks like, doesn't help me either.  It is still the same, I can't reach someone like that.  It feels horrible and it feels like it is being rubbed in my face, that I am a terrible person.  And that is not even true.  It is not the fact that I can't recognize a good man, I can, I just can't have him.  So I'll settle for what I am used to.  You've just taken away something that I can have, and not replaced it with something else.

It is a hard hit to take to find out that I was the problem, but not my fault, and it isn't about a particular man abusing me, who cares right?  I want everything to be stable in my life.  I am not a chaos junkie.  Omg, who said that?  I read that somewhere.

The survivalist forms a very distinct pattern system in order to cope with the uncopeable.  And its not like we don't try, you see we seek out approval.  We have no other way of understanding how to live with another person.  Approval is this resource we seek and that is where we get caught.  So that is a place to start.  It is very easy to stop seeking approval, it really is.  And I have not read that yet.

I have been taught at my relationship site some very good methods about how to not seek approval, this is not something you just tell someone to stop doing it, when they spent a lifetime in this coping mechanism.  I didn't know what it meant to stop seeking approval.  But now I know.  I believe I have that one covered.  And that is why I don't think I can ever be abused again.

It doesn't matter what he is doing, who cares right?  If I am not seeking approval, what can he do?  If he is an abuser, he is done for.  Regardless, it brings out the best in him, I have seen it.  I've seen my current guy, he treats everyone well, but when it comes to me, he did not, what was up with that?  Is there a reason?  This was a problem I addressed a long time ago.  We overcame a lot, we still have more to go, for I was settled as an abused woman, and nothing would change unless I changed it.  It was so simple really.  Everything seems so hard, but when I gained the skills, it was easy.

Of course it was his issue to act that way, and to tell the truth I don't know why he stayed with me and acted that way, but it has stopped.  And that is all I wanted.  At the time it was all I wanted, now I am wanting more.

I'm part of a relationship site online, and many of us women there are struggling in relationships.  At least a couple have been sexually abused.  We do have our leader, we don't advise eachother.  It all starts with an intense look at the self.  Its all about authenticity.  We don't play games in relationships, its all about truth and honesty.  All this leaves out the abusive man.

The best part, and I love this part, it helped me grow up, was that is bases a lot on our emotions.  Oh yes, that wonderful part of me that has been molested, comes alive for the first time in my life.  When I learned that real truth is the emotional side of things, I didn't worry about what the other person was doing anymore.  I don't change this to suit him, when he gets where he feels like he doesn't trust me, I just press harder into my core.  Its wonderful, so amazing, it was the world of difference.  If we split up tomorrow, I know how to get the good men, I will no longer ever have to be with an abuser, just so that I can have somebody.  I can settle into my true self, you know that person that God created, that no one like me exists, I am unique.

And all this requires facing fear.  Yes, I know.  But it is healthy to do this.  Expressing my emotions is healthy, facing fear, the right way is healthy, regardless of the way he is acting.  Regardless of anything, I have to face fear, and it is a challenge.  I worry that I won't be accepted, but then I just keep pressing on into my core.  No matter if he is angry, doesn't matter.  Just be myself.  Mostly, a lot of fear is based in not being enough, but guess what?  I am enough.

I am enough that I don't need to please anyone.  That my presence in a room is a pleasure for anyone, as long as I have stabilized my emotional resources.  And that is the backbone, the ABC's of life.

I remember when reading at some of the sites about proper communication.  I might not ever get this one.  My brain works where I'm so scared that any confrontational fight screws me over.  Lots of things I am personally not capable of doing.  I can't get into a combative stance with a man, not ever. I will be crushed.  I have accepted the fact that I will probably always be like that.  But, thank God, I won't ever have to.  Never.  It was never necessary.  I can say that I would have no relationship if I didn't find this group.  I've shared a lot of what I learned there.

I also feel that he can't have a temper, and he needs to be all sweet and soft.  Or that he needs to be thoughtful at all times.  That is what I've been reading.  Is that true?  I don't know.  That's what it feels like they've been telling me.  That he can't be gruff, that is an abuser.  I'm very confused about that one.  My guy is gruff.  If I were to tell you that, you would probably think he is an abuser.  So I am supposed to tell you that he is not gruff, that he is always perpetually soft, sweet, and kind.  So what do I do about that?  That one I truly don't understand.  Maybe that he is supposed to be always sweet and kind to me?  I don't know.

Sometimes when I read that he should be acting this way, he should be saying this thing.... sucks the life right out of me.  I can't make him act a certain way.  I can't.  Look its complicated, and our problems aren't that simple.  He has a temper, but he is not abusive, and listen, my guy manages a whole group of men in a very masculine environment.  Sometimes when he comes home, he forgets what environment he is in, and I feel that I need to understand that.  Its not easy.

I should be making every effort to understand him, but not to change him.  Change happens in me, and by doing that, I reinforce my stability.  That way I feel better, I am in control then, and I'm happy.

I just need to be that woman that no one abuses.  Just as simple as that.  Is it really that simple?  Well, I think it is, once the skills are learned and put into place, this is the easiest thing in the world to do.

My current problems in my relationship are not abuse related.  I'm delving into new territory here. There was this whole mess that happened last summer, over his SIL, that still has to be dealt with.  I wasn't letting it go, I was just learning some skills.

You see, this whole life is hard.  And I can't be blamed for it, but I still have to deal with it.

You see that whole mess that happened last summer over his disgusting SIL is related to my prior abuse situations.  I connected some things badly.  I am ashamed to say it, publicly.  A lot of it was related to me, my perceptions, my old way of dealing with things.  I was faced with another narcissist, and I handled it badly, throwing things out that I learned, and going back to my old ways. I know I am not making sense here, but I'll get into it soon.  Not that I don't want to, just that only some of the progress was made here, I want a full report.  But I'll carry on, carry on.


  1. Like some people say Narcissism is a spectrum. You have some people who's main beef is their mother commandeered their wedding and picked china patterns they didn't like. Then you have the smothered. Then you have the bullied. Some have families that join in and some caste their son or daughter out. My threshold for taking abuse and yours may be totally different. My narc might have groomed me differently than yours.
    But when I see bloggers make excuse for boorish behavior I usually don't pay any attention. To not make a stand is to give them permission to abuse you further. Like kids on the playground. You can tell some one to metaphorically stop touching you and they start jabbing at you until you are flinching and all the while are saying they are doing that kid thing "not touching" "not touching" as them jam their fingers ever closer to your eye. Those are the people that are sick and those are the sights I stay away from.

  2. Yeah, just by telling someone to stop doing that, never worked for me. I've been groomed to let people abuse me. That they had the right, I did not have any rights at all. I had to step out of that, not learn what abuse was. I could recognize it, that part came easy. But at the same time abuse was normal to me. I lived it. When I was told that"I'm enough" it was the catapult that drew me in to a different life. I think differently now, even from just a few years ago.

    Those bloggers who make excuses for abusive behaviour are the worst. I guess I have to stay away sometimes and stop snooping through sites that I deem no good. It might just be my perception, I mean others seem to like them, so they must be doing some good. Just that it sucks for me. I'm happy to find what I did though. I'm comfy in it. Not everyone likes what she has to say either, its not for everyone, and I get that.

    Oh, I guess what I needed all these years was for someone to say that, yes, the trouble was with me, but it wasn't my fault. Some would get offended by that, I don't. For me it was like hurray.

  3. I hope I made sense after I hit enter I realized I went off topic and veered off and over corrected before careening off a cliff.

  4. Gee, I hope I made sense. None of this is easy.

  5. There's bad blogs out there playing blame the victim. Just look at the Debi Thomas fiasco, they are skewering her for having problems, like one's life is supposed to be problem free. Maybe it is for sold out, back stabbing narcs

    Even recognizing the abuse takes practice via the gaslighting fog. The abusers will put smiles on their face, and laugh, while they set you up. I am tired of being told everything is my fault. Just like that creep ex narc friend posting on my blog today on the Did Somebody Film me? I think her "you only think of yourself" crap is projection. I hope things get better with you and your husband, narcs can really mess up even good relationships around them. They are poison. My marriage improved when I didn't have Queen Spider telling me my husband was a loser every minute and I was a bigger loser for marrying him. They poison every well they can. I had to go NC even for husband's sake and honor.

    The jerks always blame us for something we don't know how to do. Nothing is ever good enough. I got someone who is living in the equivalent of their parent's basement lecturing me on poverty when I have to pay rent.

    The narcs will drain personal emotional resources. They are vampires. Don't be afraid to ask people who are decent to meet your emotional needs. We were trained by the narcs never to need anything. That includes your husband, ask him for comfort or time to talk.

    I'm struggling with the approval crap too. I feel like I took out the trash and I stand here alone, and have pissed the whole lot of the jerks off, and have too many enemies now, but there is this weird feeling I had when I first went NC from Queen Spider, the feeling is RELIEF and knowing I'm too tired to run the pleasing race anymore.

    Maybe I should write about this, now I have pissed everyone off but the inner circle. I suppose I am lucky THERE IS an inner circle though that majority live far away from me except my husband. The ex-friend never made it to inner circle status.

    I hope you can overcome some of your present problems. A narc poisoned the well. Sometimes in marriage you have to establish boundaries. I couldn't carry all the worries I told him this. You have to let them know what you are willing to put up with and what you need. These troubles don't mean an abuser, just normal man and woman disputes. I think every marriage has that make or break period to it. The whole live happily ever after junk is a lie, marriage is work. Life itself kicks you in the butt. You can have a strengthened relationship after some of these periods.

  6. Yes, its very hard sometimes, and I got together with him for the wrong reasons, actually, and that I have to accept, that is the way it is. Mother was tormenting me and he got her to stop, and that is why I am with him. I am going to explain that in utter detail soon, even for my own purposes, just to straighten it all out and I can see through the fog.

    There was something quite funny what happened just recently, and it gave me more of a clue. I'll have to write about that soon. Sometimes when he is talking to me, I notice myself not listening for I'm angry over something, so here I am blaming him when its me that's not listening? So I have lots of the same struggles. We are reciprocals, but I am making it a bit further along, and need more satisfaction than this.

    And its the approval seeking is where you get caught. Its the simplest thing to combat really, and that made a huge difference. We don't have to please anyone. I'm sorry Queen Spider did that in your marriage too. I know that is hard. My DH treated my mother well, and she was horrible to him, even calling him names too. She even told him that I should go back to my ex for there was a man who could control me.

    And marriage is work. Sustaining it is a great deal of work on its own and then add to that overcoming difficulties. But if I had a normal brain and emotions, this would be a lot easier. I just feel like everything can come undone at anytime, then its back to instability. I do have his respect now, but its hard for I have to live a certain way that I am not used to.

    Thanks Peeps, I appreciate your input. But now put it into practice for myself.

  7. I liked your posting on did someone film me and I think that person who told you that you were only thinking of yourself, was completely out of line. I feel like it was a very authentic article that you wrote, and someone wanted to torment you with it. That woman who filmed you too, was only looking for someone to torment as well. These people can't exist on their own, and need a constant source of supply. I'm sorry you were left vulnerable to them is all.

    1. thanks Joan. The person who told me I was thinking of myself only is a narc and ex-friend. She brought me down always telling me I was "never good enough" but the messages were combined with the biggest acting job on the planet of pretending to be my friend and "nice". In a way that article was a narc test because I thought writing it, I am displaying some vulnerability here, and will a narc come out of the woodwork? I was right. They only care about their supply. I believe she had hurt many others playing the "do-gooder" "I care" game, but with the spirit of condemnation and seeking supply. I wanted a real friendship so this was a disppointment beyond all of them. It goes with the people who only care about "success" and "measuring up", I have to avoid them like the plague. Yes the lady filming me wanted to torment me. This town isn't a very nice one. There's a few nice people but there's some really scary people here.

  8. Sometimes I read that one of the signs of an abuser, is that he hits you. Well, no duh. But I guess this helps some people, I guess. But for me it is an insult to my intelligence. Or when I hear that multiple abusive relationships means that I'm a masochist, is there a more stupid thing to say? But I've heard reputable people say this.

    Or even you go to a crisis shelter and they decide they want to teach you some things. They get into you about what an abuser is. I was always well, no duh. I get that part. Oh, here is what a good man is all about, I mean its sickening they think we are that stupid. Actually, I can remember now in one shelter I was in a woman who was not super smart say to me, "I get it, but how do I attract a good man?"

    And then they tell you how to improve your self-esteem by looking in the mirror and saying nice things to yourself. I can do that all day and it didn't help. So instead of saying that I'm smart, I'm attractive, I'm whatever to myself, I just say "I'm enough".

    1. Yes saying "I am enough" is the best way to go. When my husband lost his career, so many people have abused me over it. Some jerk behind a desk, fires my husband, and my life is destroyed and people kick me in the face continually, this was one of the worse things about it. I worry for abused women. I believe many are treated the same way I was for sliding down the ladder. Many are told the abuse is their fault. They get the upper middle class "do-gooders" who see them as pathetic and having made bad choices to become abused. People who can't even afford food are told to empower themselves. Many without families could end up homeless. Don't get me started in churches about how domestically abused women are treated. Most do nothing to help. They condemn the woman. Many advocate the toleration and defense of the abusers. They do treat women like they are stupid.
