
Sunday, August 7, 2016

Describing My Situation

I hope this worked out ok.  I have here what is supposed to be the whipping scene in ROOTS.  To me it represents how our own human will can be forced out of us, Kunte Kinte was the exception.  There were spikes on the end of the whip, which represents to me, how forcefully we have been brutalized, and torn into pieces to just get back what we were born with.  The power to be a human on our own, a person of our own.  An ACON grew up with the spikes being torn into us, freedom was something we definitely had to fight for.

I, in no way, am taking advantage of a time in history, or a people slavery happened to.  This blog is my own truth.  I watch this stuff, and it chills me to the bone.  This is my story too.

I've been asked to write up a one page composition, from my doctor, describing my mental health situation, for the disability tax credit.

I think the thing that bugs me the most about this stuff is that I have to leave out the narcissistic upbringing I had.  By leaving out that piece I am going back to self blame, and I wonder what these people will think of me, having such horrid feelings and thoughts for no reason.  No one else is like this, why am I?  If I was wheelchair bound that wouldn't be the case.  But I have severe mental difficulties that I have to work on daily.  All of this takes me a great deal of time to do a task, and without my parentage, I feel like I am weird for nothing.

So, just as I can explain things better to myself, this is hard.  First I have to get it all out, this is a tax credit I am asking for and I have to prove my mental functions effect me in all avenues of my life, or at least some.  I believe it affects me in everything.  I am to write a one page story on how this all affects my life, as per my doctor's instructions.  She is very thorough, and she said there is no sense of even trying for this tax credit unless I go all out and do it right.  She will attach the letter to my forms that will be sent to the tax office.

My feelings over take me, what can I say to that?  My self esteem is gone, I have to work on just being enough.  Its hard when you have a family and you are the matriarch, and you try to be the right person for them to talk to, and even lean on.  If I feel like I am not enough, and if I don't work on that, my mind, and body wants to escape my own accusations, and I feel that I am not good enough to be the one they can lean on and count on.  That is what gets me, if someone needs me, its a horrible feeling of dread that I won't meet up to the normal standards.  I would rather they depend on someone else, for surely anyone else can be better than me.

Even doing this writing gives me a feeling that I want to escape from.  This tax credit is called the 40K tax credit, apparently that is what some people can gain from it.  So I feel all this pressure to gain that too.  See, that is the thing, if I can't compete, and I know I can't, well, its just a losing situation for me regardless of what I get.  If I get back 10 thousand dollars, it won't be enough, for somewhere out there someone gets the 40K.  I feel like I lost before I even started.  So I always have those types of hurdles to jump.  My brain works against me.

Or when someone crosses my boundaries, I get right pissed off.  Even if the children do it.  As an engulfed daughter I can see why, but that part will be left out of the report.  But it always leaves me scrambling.  My oldest demands this and that, and I feel like she has been taking advantage over my reduced mental state,  I did share with the children my condition, but she told me that I am to get over it, and will chastise me over it.  This makes me cross at her, for I know she did not have the upbringing I did, she was not engulfed, she was able to be a person at her own choosing, I did not.  I did not get to make any of my own decisions, couldn't even dress myself, mother was in total control of me, and even tried to control me in my forties by telling me I am not to leave my apartment.  I wonder how my daughter would feel about that?  What if I called her and tell her she was to stay home all of the time?  She would likely tell me to eff off, and with my mother I had no such luxury.

Nowadays, when I have the grandkids over, I have this horrible feeling that any negative behavior at home will compound on them later in life.  I am having trouble accepting the fact that I'm not perfect. Even a little baby, will feel any tension here at home,  and she will pay for it later in life.  So I started watching all my behaviours and speech, and it was tough.  Hubby wasn't allowed to be grouchy and I forced this on him.  Life is not that friggin perfect, I don't know what to do about life not being perfect.  It feels like hell.

Even now while I begin the program with voc rehab somethings are stinging me.  The past, not being accepted, not being trusted, and I know if someone has to trust me, that means I have to first trust myself.  No matter how hard I try to hide this stuff from the rest of the people a lot of it just leaks out. They know.  And when they do know they can go for the attack or start to treat me like a kid, or as someone with this disorder.  Voc Rehab works in two ways.  Either the employer doesn't know about the disorder and they just find me a job that fits with my disorder.  For example, if I am stressed around people they just get me to work alone.  The employer will not have to know, and it will not be an issue.  Or, they do inform the employer of my condition, and he will be asked to be understanding. That last one feels like such a case for a sociopath to take total control and advantage over the situation, doesn't it?  But voc rehab will be monitoring the situation, I just worry that they will blame me if a sociopath comes as my boss, as sociopaths are not blamed for anything.

So lots of things.  If I try to just get out the door to go do something, I have to fight anticipatory anxiety.  I have to fight anticipatory anxiety all the time.  Even with the simple matter of brushing my teeth.  Sometimes I feel that the toothpaste is too strong, and I have to not use toothpaste at all, I don't want to burn my mouth.  Then I have to fight the dreaded feeling of following the path of all my teeth, all the sides the tops, everything.  Yes, my mind overwhelms me with such thoughts.  If I want to have my teeth last me my life, I have to work through those feelings.

I worked through a great deal.  When I learned not to resist bad feelings but to just let them flow, that helped me quite a bit.  It is also more work too, but at least I can do it.  The trouble I have with it is that I am not used to it.  I really do resist my feelings, of panic, of shame of fear and dread, but it really does take down one wall to reduce my suffering.  But it is a lot of work itself, you know?

I do like a nice drive to the city by myself.  But when I start reaching the outskirts of the city, I tend to not know what I'm doing, or where I'm supposed to go.  I forget what the heck I'm going to town for, and I have to work on not resisting the feelings of panic, then my mind can clear.

I took on a quilting project that is rather daunting at times, to the point where I was seriously avoiding it.  I did one day.  So I just felt into that feeling.  In a while I was back to doing the project not even realizing how I got there.  It was a very liberating feeling, but it took me quite some time to get there.  It wasn't like, just go and do, it was like, just feel, and when you realize your feelings have done what they needed to do, then the task becomes doable.  Now I'm starting to realize how this has effected me in the job force.  Its just an up and go place, and I am needing a lot of psychological supports.

Now, I'm starting to realize this will be more than a one page article that was requested by my doctor. So I'm comforting myself, by telling myself, that first I have to get all the points down.  That is where I start with.  I'm not going to be talking about Nmom too much here, for it can't be in the article that I send to the tax office anyway.  This part is just to clue me in, for me to get how my mind works, so that I can convince them that I do need a tax credit.   One of the specifications on the form is AN INORDINATE AMOUNT OF TIME NECESSARY FOR EVERDAY LIFE, THAT THE AVERAGE PERSON DOES NOT NEED.

I do have a lot of supports.  Mostly I do have a relationship site that goes way beyond teaching about relationships, and reaches down into the psyche.  In ways that are not taught in the real mental health facility, but more real, and more helpful to me.  I do find her advice more painful actually. for you have got to feel those feelings.  But at least I know I am with my true self, and not avoiding my feelings in order to get something done.  That psychological effect has opened me up to the truth about my upbringing, for it always lied buried deep inside myself.  Once I did that I realized I had more support than ever before.  No longer was I just dealing with my feelings, and blaming myself for them, I had reasons, at least for myself, on why I am like this.  And there were people that experienced all the same things.

Of course, I do get a little angry at those people who blame me, that I know full well, they had a good life growing up.  So they expect me to be like them?  Seriously, that part pisses me off.  Even my ex-husband joked about me to his friends, saying that I must be a drunk, for never being able to be even able to hold down a job, just like a drunk.

So here is what I am going to do.  I am going to spend the weekend putting all this stuff together, just random stuff, coming out of my head, then post it.  It might be long, but then I'm going to take the key points needed from the tax office and just include those.  So we don't make it a habit of keeping the computer on, but I will keep it on, and as I go on my day I will be triggered by thoughts and those I will put in.  Memories, thoughts and feelings, and these will be all the truth instead of me just sitting here and trying to remember and think.  It will take the "trying" off the table.  That just makes it pure stress.  Surely, plenty of random thoughts and feelings happen to me in the course of a day, things I can't just think of at will.  So I will stay at home this weekend, and if I do go out I will bring a notepad with me, to jot down anything that comes up.   But no stress right?  This will just be natural feelings and emotions, that are happening to me anyway.

So of course that sounds like a good plan, but already my mind is working against me.  Suppose some horrible crisis happens that throws off the weekend.  Ha ha, well maybe, but I have to accept that as part of life.  Sometimes it is necessary to go through all those feelings of horrible things happening that hasn't happened, just to get to the feeling that it is all alright.  I worry that I have to spend so much time worrying, there is always a double indemnity.  It is so painful, and as I sit here shaking and reeling in emotional pain, the average person just thinks that I am crazy.  I am not crazy, I was programmed to be like this, for it fed the narcissistic mother, for I was only her trapped source of supply.  That is what pisses me off.  There was no reason for this.  Just to feed that monster.

Is it that I'm lazy or that I lack self discipline?  I'll admit a big part of me has a great feeling of entitlement.  I feel like I lacked so much that to hell with the rest of the world.  I don't expect more of other people, but when they expect it of me I feel like I was set up to lose.  That is an overwhelming feeling, feeling that I must accomplish great things, not given the know how, but being expected of me regardless.  I feel like a few companies I have worked for in the past, has played some games with me, for somehow I had leaked information of my lowered state.  God will have to deal with them, I'm not going to be able to fair up the thing.  It is gross, what they did, and and it was like everyone in my path was a friggin flying monkey, and I was clueless as to what was going on.  That is why I feel the way I do, I do deal with a lot of anger, that is uncopeable, but like I said, I am sure God will deal with them.  I leave them to God, unfortunately, we are not supposed to hope God will do the worst to them, but I do.  Hey, these are authentic feelings, no matter how I try to sound polished, that is the way it is.

I don't feel like I'm lazy.  There are times, there are some tasks that are not as much fun as the others, and they are rather grueling at times, and I prefer to sit on my butt.  You know what the cure to that is?  Just continue to sit on your butt, eventually, you will tire sitting on your butt, and get up to do things.  If you are sitting on your butt for years, perhaps you are listening to much to what others tell you, or that you are resisting your feelings.  Resisting your feelings is a big no no.  Don't do that.  Try to think, little children do not resist their feelings, they will scream or bawl, unless someone forces them not to, either with threat of violence or other things.  And our ancestors didn't resist their feelings either, they just went with what they felt, and they didn't know how not to.

Emotions are your hard wiring.  Thoughts can't chase that way.  Positive thinking is never going to help you with that.  It is just thinking.  You actually don't live your life by thinking.  If that were the case we would be like computers, not humans.  So put any thoughts to thinking to rest, thinking will never get you going.  Sure, thinking does have a place.  If you are building a skyscraper for example. Then of course you better think on how to do that.  Emotions will never build a skyscraper.  I think I made my point.

So, if you are at work, you will have to think.  But so much of our day is spent in feelings.  Its how we live.  Feelings is how we humans communicate.  If thoughts were to transcend that life would not be worth living.  I am trying to get to the part where I talk of social skills.  This is a tough one.  Its almost like I have no knowledge of what it even means for me or what it does for me, but I need to put it into place for the writing.

I remember the pain of rejection where it was so vastly important what the other person thought of me.  What they thought of me was everything to me, so I became very low value, taking approval where I could get it, and it never occurred to me that this made me a greedy little taker wherever I went.  But it seemed so normal.  If you are my friend, I will need your approval first, seems like taking, doesn't it?  Normal people don't like takers, its human value taken from them.  So it takes a great deal of effort, and time, to pull myself away and treat myself like I am enough.  No one else needs to give me that value, I don't have to go around taking, I can give instead.  It makes me more of a valued friend, confident, worker, lover, and overall it makes me a better person.

Easier said than done, lol.  Why does not my brain just give me these things?  Why do I have to work constantly against the extraction of others?  People seem to see this right away, and they feel vandalized in my presence.  It takes a lot of work on my part not to be like this.  I think this is a big social skill.  I wrote on social skills before, I think I write on that one all the time.  It helps me put it into place.  Just start with being enough.  How do you be enough?  Is it something we do or accomplish a lot of things, or pretty enough, does any of that make us enough?  No.  None of that makes us enough.  We are enough, because we are enough.  We are born enough.  It is an actual birthright.  A blade of grass is a blade of grass, like it or not, that blade of grass will grow, do its thing, it has no other choice, it exists, it has its place in the world, it needs nothing from anything else.  Maybe the soil and the rain, but we all need these things, see what I'm getting at?  It has symbiotic relationships, it just adds to the soil, it adds to the sun, for what good would be the sun if it didn't produce the greenery we all see?  So we are born enough.

But like I said, easier said than done.  You screw up, its ok.  There is a difference.  Things that make you human, and any weaknesses make you more human, but you are always worthy.  This is something that we just are too, you don't have to go robbing someone to get it.  Imagine that unsuspecting person, who wants to like you and enjoy your company, has to give you permission for all things.  Its strange when you think of it.  I thought it was being normal.

I wake up every morning grateful that mother is dead.  I outlived her.  She can't do anything now. Her body does not even exist.  And for me she has become invalidated.  This wasn't even a real person. I used to think that she was important, valued, lovable.  She had all this going on but it was all just for pretend.  Nothing good about her that went on in my mind didn't even exist.  It was all a figment of my imagination.  When my aunt told me that mother had a lot of love to give, she just didn't know how, it only made me think, 'wow, the games continue even in her death'.  I mean, nowadays, to me, to think of mother as anyone else than an evil monster is deplorable.  You have to stretch your imagination to see anything good there.  This feeling is very hard to try to explain, it is an emotion, a feeling, there are no words.  The mother I thought she was didn't exist, I just filled in the blanks with my imagination.

I still have good feelings about my childhood, but I know that is only in my head too.  When I think back to when I was growing up, their was all this fighting, this triangulation, the infighting was comforting to me.  It felt good.  I got so used to it, that life became crazy when there was any measure of peace.  I needed the fighting, the triangulation, the put downs, to me they were comfortable.

And now, when things are quiet and peaceful, I have a very hard time.  Things are peaceful now, I have a path, a road I'm taking, I've accepted my disability, so I'm doing what needs to be done as a disabled person.  I know I want to be taken care of, I don't like the uncertainty that hubby is giving me.

I don't know how regular people don't see narcissists for what they are.  I think maybe its  because they are too scared of them, but that from my own experiences of it.  Mother was scary, so she used that fear to bring everyone into submission.  For other people who were not raised in this torment, how do they feel when they see narcissism?  Maybe they don't see it.  Maybe its just completely off their radar so much, that they have no experience with it, from childhood, so they don't see it.  So when normal people get crapped on, like me, its because the regular people can see that sin, they are familiar with regular sin, but the sin of the narcissist is too horrible to even contemplate.  They do not see it, not on their radar.  But somehow they manage to escape the brutality of everyday narcissists better than me.

Ok, sorry, I guess I didn't promise any bunny trails.  I have to kinda get it all out, before I can even begin to pour what is expected out of me for this tax credit.

So the social skills, what is that?  I know how to handle social skills now, it takes me a great deal of time to do so, but I can do it.  But I think they want to know more.  How it affects me in everyday life, and this is something I haven't a clue about.  I wrote about social skills, and it was a good one, and I use it, but its still a fight against this dead feeling, which I can't even begin to explain.

So regular people say that we must see the good in people.  Think of that will you?  Kinda deadly for an ACON to do, don't you think?  But regular people already have it where they will not just automatically do that.  They will keep in mind the bad things people do, all the while, keeping in mind the good that people do, and somehow able to keep it all together very subconsciously.  They have no problem keeping up with making sure they don't get hurt.  But we ACON's have to program it into ourselves to not just go around trusting everyone they see, and believing everyone is wanting to do good to them.  Regular folks have their claws intact and can defend themselves if necessary. The narcs don't attack them so much, because they are not easy targets to access.  Narcs need it easy. They have only so much energy to expend on going on the attack and they love way more, the extraction, rather than the extracting part of it.  It does seem to me that they love the attack more, but I know now, that's only because they are getting the extraction all the while they are extracting.  Sort of like pumping water.  They continue pumping, but only will pump if the water comes out.

Darn, I see narcs nowadays, new narcs since my awakening, and its like a big joke for me. And the SIL was on the border of awakening.  So she is now avoiding hubby.  He sent her an email saying we won't be going, and she did not respond back at all.  I still wonder why he sent her the email, and not his brother, but I seem to not even give a shit.  Not much a response from hubby about the lack of response from her, I don't know what he's thinking, maybe he is blaming me for it, another thing I don't give a shit about.  I know that narcs will do that though.  I don't know if its because she is lacking in supply from us, for what I did, and who I am now, she knows it will be hard to get supply, and I will open my big mouth if she tries.  I might be seen as the bitch, but I don't even give a shit.

Did Jesus ever look like the bad guy?  Of course He did, over and over again.  He kept his focus on what He had to do, regarding salvation that is, and didn't care about anything else.  So why should I focus on shit?

So back to social skills.  The form says ADAPTIVE FUNCTIONING RELATED TO SOCIAL SKILLS.    Ok.  What does that mean?  Adapt means to change according to what the environment requires.  Functioning, means to do something important to live.  So since none of this is work related, and has nothing to do whether I need income supports, has nothing to do with how I can earn a living,  the social skills in this case relates only to my everyday life.  Lets see what requires a certain measure of social skills.  Going to the grocery store.  Going to church.  Going to any store. Visiting the children.  Sewing guild.  Anything that is about being around people.  Talking online. Other than going to stores, I don't know how any of the other things are necessary.  Yes, hubby can go to the grocery store for me, but that is where adaptive functioning will have to depend on him alot. Sort of him having to push his wife's wheelchair, anything that is required of him to do, that I can't do, is adaptive functioning.  There are a few times I got him to do things for me.  He handles the banking, I can't do that at all.  He checks the mailbox.  I don't know if any of these things are considered "social", but for me they are.  They feel like an accusation is going to come about at anytime ready to call me "stupid".

So I am pretty helpless on my own.  There is this house to pay for, and work required to maintain it, money to be earned to pay for it, all of which, I think, requires social skills, and I would never be able to pull any of that out of my ass with a ten ton truck.

Ok, I think now I am starting to get it.  Basically what it comes down to is obtaining food, shelter, sex.  I will have to go back to the time of the woolly mammoth to try to sort this out.  You see, women talk alot, well mostly.  Why is that?  How did that adaptation take place?  We would have had to adapt that skill.  At some point in time it was fundamentally necessary for survival.  It is because we were foragers.  We were the ones who gathered berries, fruits, raised children, all that stuff.  Certain plants can be poisonous.  You would have to know which would be edible, or which can be made edible by a cooking process.  Things change, they were hunter gatherers, they weren't always in the same place.  You had to adapt to whatever you came across.  If the men of the tribe found the game was very good in a certain place, you would do your gathering there, it was not usually the other way around.  So you talked to other women of the tribe, learned from their experience.  If so and so killed her whole family eating a particular berry and someone knew about that, you better find out what that berry is.  And where to find the berries too.  You would talk round and round with anyone trying to get as good as a report as you can about local experiences, and where to find the stuff, and if any dangerous animals were around.  You talk, and you talk some more.  That is if you want yourself and your family to survive.  No individual would know all this information, you have to learn how to talk and listen.

So I think I explained the process of adaptive functioning.  Now if I can just imagine myself in an environment where I was a gatherer, how I would be.  Not very good.  I would have a hard time joining in the cliques.  I just barely function in that respect.  We think its silly when women clique up, but it certainly has adaptive functioning.  Tribes were the norm, and you just didn't trust anyone but those of your tribe.  Anyone else would want to see you dead, most likely, but only because there would be more food for them.  Another adaptive function.  Kill everyone around you except for those who will protect you was the way to survive.

Maybe I should just include all that in my tax writeup?  Just kidding.  But know, its helping me to understand that socially, besides bringing home a paycheck, that social skills are absolutely necessary.  But I need to put it in a more direct format than that.  This will be hard, I will have to pray on that one.

You see, for me, social skills is a big one.  I can't just readily imagine myself in any setting comfortable, not without a lot of time and effort.  I'll feel scared just put into an environment where social skills were expected, and I will make other people uncomfortable with my value taking, and they will try to avoid me.  I will never learn what berries are safe, I will die in that respect.

So lets get back to what I mentioned previously.  I said the most fundamentally, ground level, basic reasons anyone does anything is for food, shelter, and sex.  Women have been known to kill eachother to get the most alpha male for he hunts the most game, she and her children will be provided for, and in hunting the most game the alpha male is assured of sex and offspring and to carry on his genes.  Basically, it all comes down to is carrying on the genes.

So I was able to carry on my genes, obviously.  But I wasn't provided for.  I had no skills to obtain the alpha male.  Even now, I don't really consider him an alpha male, it has nothing to do with how much money he makes.  I consider him to be, well, how good was it for me that the person he was with comes last and others come first?  How come he is still sleeping alone?  Is he without the things that an alpha male has?  In old times tribes, the alpha male ate the most, and got the most sex.

So yeah, he does eat a lot.  But it doesn't explain how he has adapted to allowing predators to roam around in our lives.  No way would an alpha do that.

So back to social skills?  In relationships, social skills are paramount.  That man did not have my back, so in such is the case in a "less civilized" society I would have died, long before I would have been able to bear children if I was with him all my life.

It took me awhile but I am now able to get the most of what he's saying.  Men and women don't communicate the same way.  He'll ask me why I'm mad.  I know that is not what he is really asking. If I were to just answer the question as is, it will cause massive problems.  What he means when he asks that, is that he is saying that he is uncomfortable with what is going on, and he wants me to make him feel comfortable again.  So he can go back to the process of food, shelter, sex.

Lacking social skills has been a big problem for me.  In relationships, in a grocery store you name it. I'm always shaky at the store, worried about what that cashier will think of me, worried about what I wear, worried about walking into people, everything.  Bad adaptations, but the tax is not concerned how I got here, only of how it slows me down in life.  I can't say that I avoid grocery stores, but I'm always worried, nonetheless.  Then I worry about that for hours later.

I think the reason I talk about the SIL on here so much, is not so much to get a chance to bitch about her, but its where I got to see hubby's true colors.  His commitment to me was sketchy in the first place, but then I got to see how non-committal he was towards me.  And that's painful, that hurts.  It takes me back to thinking if I was ever good enough.  Yes, that lie keeps coming back to haunt me. Maybe I should be grateful that he helps me see where I'm lacking in myself.  It wasn't so much what he did. I didn't have to announce what he did was wrong, all I had to do was state my position of freedom, and stand on it.  An ACON will always have to fight for her freedom.  I don't know if you watched the new ROOTS movie but at the ending, Tom was saying that to his new baby daughter who was the first one born in freedom.  Don't expect you won't have to continually fight to stay free.

When panic comes over me it feels like this hot acid right in the center of my body.  I've tried to focus on that feeling, but then the worry takes over about what I got into a panic state about.  When I try to focus on the feeling, then I realize that the feeling of panic was caused over something silly, like a phonecall I have to make, something like that.  Sometimes the thing I worry about is not even worth worrying about.  But I'm left choking and trying to breathe.

Even the work I have to do to obtain the disability tax credit.  Its like, 'describe all these feelings,' then I'm worried that if I don't do it right, then I won't qualify, and we've already spent $160 on the doctor to fill out the form.  That was on top of the $140 for voc rehab.  I have an appointment with them this week.  I only got one of the references required by them, I need 2.  I will get the other one before the appointment.

But I do know that I do qualify.  Even for general anxiety someone would qualify, and I have the 'shoot to the moon' quality.  More like regular PTSD.  I don't think I can say that in the form without having been in the Gulf War, but you know what I mean.  But I have been diagnosed with a war disorder, it will be in my paperwork from the mental health facility, so I don't know how I'm going to work that.

It all seems so overwhelming.  I want this tax credit more than anything.  Its a lot of money, thus a lot of protection, but there is no telling how much I'll get.  I've been warned that it will come in my husband's name only, but that's ok, not sure why that would be a concern.  I will just tell him I want it, that its for me and my disability, and he will give it to me.

Even though I don't have certain things to worry about, I worry about other things, there is always something to add to the list of worry.  Its painful.  That shocking, jarring, feeling of panic I am so sure other people can see.  And there is no warning, no escape, no way I am even aware what is happening, otherwise I would just escape to the washroom when it happens.  I become aware of it after, like "oh yeah, it happened now everyone is looking at me."  All of which just adds to the state of panic I'm already in.

Its painful, and scary, and I'm sure that look on my face, that freaks out other people used to feed mother with the nsupply.  You know and that's sick.  That's crazy.  You know, I don't feel guilty about not going to her funeral, but I do dread how other people feel about it.  Isn't that strange?

It is not in my personality to spread a message of anger throughout the internet.  Unless it is the truth, and truth is painful at times.

So I thank you for listening to my ramblings.  I'll have to call the tax place and get them to help me with the descriptions more.  More explanations.  More help with the MARKEDLY RESTRICTED.  I think of it as the "fighting for my freedom" just like in the ROOTS movie.  If you want to know more about freedom, I'd suggest ROOTS.


  1. I feel like the world just wants to metaphorically "whip our ass" though for some people it becomes literal. I don't like those Christians who are gung ho for beating the kids, spare the rod. I know I offended some saying I was against all the authoritarian parenting, these are the ones who see God as a big brute.

    Don't leave the abuse out. It actually would help your case. My disability case was built 99 on physical, I even had statis ulcers on my legs that took almost 2 years to heal properly and had scars ll over my body. I had my anxiety disorders on my disability paperwork, and sure there was mention of abuse. You don't have to give every horrible detail, even just one sentence, I had an abusive childhood.

    If they see the source your case will be more believable too. Otherwise there may be missing holes to them. I wrote about how I could not breathe even before I got fat and all sorts of details and even for a lot of reviews SENT PICTURES.

  2. Its a good thing you have some people need you. It's weird to be in the world feeling like you are no use to anyone, no one depends on me. Well maybe my husband. But perhaps it is nerve wracking. I sometimes have worries about how I never was enough and did not succeed enough to be "useful" to anyone and that's why the family threw me away.

    If you are on record of being disabled even if this is a tax credit, it would help in future, should you be single or a widow. I hope it goes through.

    People to tell you to get over it, are not your friends, daughter or not. It makes me wonder about her. I had one of the ex friends as I was emotionally drowning from the pain of no contact, in its earlier stages telling me "Get over it". I listened to her complaints about life but somehow I was supposed to always be of good cheer and censor everything. People who lack empathy for us we need to stop opening up to. You are right to be angry at her talking to you this way.

    Please don't take that path of watching all the behavior and speech. You are not on trial. You want a spontaneous relationship with the grandkids. I know they make us all feel this way, like we have to say and do everything perfectly. With kids I know there is this idea of being an example to them but don't get rigid and frozen. If the judgements of others are making you feel that way, it gets worse. You can't please them anyway, take it from me.

    1. When I'm doing what told to do, I feel like that whip coming at me, and I have to do what Kunte does, just insisting what the correct thing is. I feel like my oldest daughter will trust other people before she trusts me, and this can leave a wide gap for a sociopath to walk through. It has in the past. No matter how strong I've gotten, I am still a target. These aren't easy things, I sometimes envy those who don't have children.

      I think what I'm going to do here is to ignore my daughter and just have relationships with the grandkids, even if she doesn't like it. I won't fight with her, and I think sometimes she feels like she has the upper hand, and I appear weak. Whatever I lack, I'm ok with, the other kids are ok with, but she feels like she can't respect me.

      If anyone can get over it, I surely would have. I've spent so much time reading about my issues, poured over information, worked on it, that I have even developed a lot of respect for myself just by doing so.

      Thanks Peep. Sometimes when someone depends on you, and you feel like your no good, want to hide from the accusations that pour in from within, it takes a great deal of will to overcome that.

  3. Yes, cause it does have holes in it without the abuse part. Then I'm just a freak for nothing. So I will put that part in, sorry your legs didn't heal for a long time, that must have been horrible. But I will add that, thank you.

    I think parents need to be present for their kids. Beating them is just an easy way out, lots of times the parents don't even know whats going on. Its too easy to say your behaviour is bad is all, without trying to learn more. Parents need to not just be authority figures, but the kids need to trust them, and this trust is earned, even from our own children. I hope someone out there is reading this, for I firmly believe you even have to earn the trust of your five year old. This is a person in his/her own right, and you can't just crash through boundaries, thinking that you own them. Yes, you raise them, you are the parent, you make rules, for their safety and protection, and to make them God fearing individuals, but this takes a whole lot of work, not just getting out the whip and beating them into submission.

    1. People with health or other challenges do get abused. I know my abuse has a double layer with the severe disabilities the Aspergers. I do still struggle with waking up and thinking, how in the hell did I get this body? There's worse people with Lipedema, who have it even worse and people who can't even walk but I know years of being set aside as a freak and even rejected by my own family, an Elephant Woman took massive emotional tolls.

      It was terrible, it was one of those unexplained conditions too, among many. I suspect it was vasculitis and autoimmune thing doing my own research. My skin can still break out on it's own that way in smaller patches but back then it covered my legs and body.

      So much of our society is about power and control. Figuring out those equations explained it all to me. People want to control their kids more then love them. Its sick when you break down what this society is really about. I saw these people writing about ow they regretted being parents, and I thought why do you have to be glued to the kid telling it what to do every second. So wonder you hated being a parent. They seem to treat the kids as objects not people.

  4. Life feels like hell to me. So much is disappointing. I got on this theological foray with husband that wasn't exactly biblical and said to him, "What if we are living in hell now and are being punished?" I think a few world religions believe the earth is actually hell. I know the Bible doesn't say this....

    I hope your voc rehab goes well.

    Yes hiding anxiety from people is near impossible. Mine leaked out too. Also the Aspergers did too no matter how much I cloaked. I suppose the path of protection is a hard one to find. Ive been out of the world world a long time but it was as emotionally devestating to me as physically.

    I think finding a job where you work alone or with fewer people is the best bet. If I was healthy enough to work, I would look for a job with very few social demands, like a buried in paperwork job. I know this is one reason I was leaving art education--well I was deemed too much a medical undesirable to get a real teaching job, the alternative ed world paid far too low and it was just all grants, and went to being a paralegal. I just wanted to be in a back office writing legal briefs, or doing research.

    Try for the first if you can get it. Bosses aren't so understanding. Ive seen Aspies have their butts lit on fire with bosses who know. Most successful people have narc traits well at least in America.
    If you do get a sociopath boss, file complaints. here in America, I would use the weight of EEOC and everything else I could come up with. Threaten to sue. I saved employment of mine for a year doing that, I was sick as hell, and told them if they fired me, the evidence it was for medical problems was overwhelming...I lived in a democratic state where "right to work" garbage hadn't yet taken over and this was the 90s. I needed to be ready to apply for disability and have doctor appts and rest done. I was going to work sick but then they demoted me to night shift which I guess was better then no work.

    Sorry you are so anxious. One thing that helped me was teaching myself to say "screw it" and even with the teeth, I have to brush and spray mine constantly and go to a charity dentist but if they all rot out, I tried anyway.

    The job force I think is too competitive, everyone ready to knock you down, so you feel happy making the quilt but afraid at work. It was like this for me. The jobs I succeeded at were the jobs where no other adults or people were around monitering my work. So cooking soup and making salads at one job was the best one for me, and being alone in classroom with kids, now sometimes that could be hard because one job there was child care workers, and some of them were anti-intellectual and would sneer, things like "Why do these kids need art anyway?" but I did have a talent for drawing out talent and shut them up. I think you need that over-seeing condemning eye taken out of the equation.

    1. It does feel like hell now. I know this one lady who does her housework in the morning, quilts the rest of the day, has a good marriage, and life. She is around 55 I think, so I keep thinking I'm going to make that my goal when I'm 55, but then, I've always had goals, that was never my issue in life.

      Thanks for all the working advice. I just know with my luck this won't go smoothly, it won't, its almost a scientific fact, this will go wrong, guaranteed. Probably way worse than anything I can imagine right now, but yeah.

    2. Give yourself permission to do what you want too. I had all the queen bees brag to me about their work productive lives and to me they sound depressing. I suck at the housework but when I do it, I do not enjoy it. I do enjoy cooking, there can be some flow with that if I am not in too much pain. There's creative elements to it. Though it's not good for a fat woman to enjoy cooking too much, but maybe not, I end up with better blood sugars so many more cooking means less weight gain. I can stand to cook which wasn't true 6-7 years ago. Then I had to sit down in a chair for anything involved and well, it wasn't as fun.

      When I get on cleaning tears--this means 4-5 days of constant work, that takes some thin person 2 hours, I am miserable and yelling a lot, and BLOAT and sometimes I have gotten leg infections, yes from cleaning even being wrapped. I don't think I have goals anymore in my case. There's a few obscure ones, kind of muddled, like I will decide to cook a certain meal or do comics or something, but I had to let go of the goal-oriented life a long time ago to save my sanity. I figure I'm an old lady so at this point I'm not worrying about it.

      You are welcome for the advice, hope it helps and thinks go right. I do wonder why everything has to be so hard in this world.

    3. I heard all those work productive stories too. They are very boring, and never very authentic, if they want to just blow their own horn they should do so, and not make a big deal, about, things like how they do the payroll. I've heard whole speels about that stuff before. I will never be all about working. I've never been career oriented, ever. That thing about climbing the ladder of success meant nothing to me.

      Actually, I was always hoping I'd be too old to work by the time I was 30, busy with kids, but with no one around to help earn the money, that never happened. My activities, like watching ROOTS over and over again, I can't discuss that with the real world, no its too weird. Actually, I put ROOTS on, then I go on with other things, I just like to hear the sounds and practically have the whole thing memorized.

      Cleaning is boring. I give it a time limit. Once that time is over I just stop. It keeps on top of things enough. I'll never be super clean. I wish I liked cooking. That one would be great. I think its because I will always forget what I need for a particular recipe. And I'm fussy anyway. I do like Oriental food, and I think that is hard to make.

      Sorry you get leg infections. That is a tough one. Is there an antibiotic you can take regularly? That is if it is bacterial. I wish there was more of a cure. Sorry you feel miserable. Yelling is ok, as long as its authentic, and we just scream from utter emotions. Its expressing, and it helps in relationships, keeps things in the open. Its counterintuitive, but its really better, and helps men to get it. As long as they don't feel blamed, that is. This is more preaching to myself, for sometimes its easy to feel angry at someone rather than just the situation as is. I was always worried about what he thinks of me, but I have to remember not to go shilling for his approval. More, just preaching to me.

      The hard part about goals is that its a kick in the self esteem if it doesn't work out. But it really helps me to keep going. I feel lost without trying to aim at something.

    4. The work production stories bore me too. Some brag about doing nothing but work. The mean abusive cousin, who wanted me in the lake with the fishes, told me, "I worked very hard in this factory for 30 years while you have "laid around" all these years, I said to her, "That's your choice, you could have gone back to school." I wish I had said, "You could have married a man and become a housewife or something instead of cheating a married man for 23 years" but didn't think fast enough to throw that one back in her face.

      Narcs will always go on about how hard they work. I never had a fight in my life before with that cousin, so all that talk of me being lazy, came right from my mother. My mother would write in her tell off letters, I worked really hard, and you never did. Just sick stuff, I had my 60-70 hour work weeks for years but in my case the work never rewarded the way it should have, same for husband.

      I never was career oriented either. I wanted to have some time to think. I didn't want be on the go all the time. I didn't have the health to be.

      I kind of threw goals in the trash can I guess long ago. Goals cost money. So many of my goals are thwarted with no money and trashing of other details. I work on some projects that interest me, but I never get anything done with the goal lash on my back. Goal means failure to me I guess, maybe the weight loss crap did something to my mind. It scares me I gained 30lbs when I had reduced all the food and was walking everyday without fail. Don't know what to do. No doctors listen on that one even knowing the Lipedema diagnosis. I may have to get an eating disorder not to become 600lbs. If I can go down a bit and at least stabilize it, that takes effort. They say insulin causes weight gain, so how do you win then?

      The ladder of success for me had matches lit to the bottom of it, merely for being too fat and not conforming.

      I want to watch Roots again, I saw part of it. I understand your liking that show, I know the history. The ACON life is slavery of another sort.

      I am bad at cleaning. I need to clean today like put bleach in the bathtub and empty the dishwasher. Being trapped in here, kills my motivation, there's no one to visit either. Husband would only notice if the food disappeared. He seems to want me to cook a lot. I may be too good at it. LOL.

      I'm on antibiotics for the leg infections as they come. I have to wrap or the legs explode, bubbling lobes all over the place. The thinner leg I got lax on from heat, and the ankle thickened up. Everything grows from the waist down and with Lipo-lymphedema, face and arms will grow if I have been active enough.

      He's heard me yell before, we have to get car fixed tommorow which will probably clean us out. I wish someone would warn me how hard my life would turn out as an adult, I would have run away and hung out in the woods more and gone more places.

      I am glad you have something to aim for. I know the word goal even became a bad word to me. Around here with the career obsessed, they see me as a bad person for that one alone. I wanted a career, and got jobs when young. Sometimes I get lost even knowing what I want to do. [like we can't figure out how to fix somethings around here]

    5. Well, for me, it was always mother screaming that I never did anything right, maybe I play that one in my head to long. I think the problem I have with the "screw them", is just that I don't know anything else. Just this morning, I was determined I was going to have a peaceful day, there was some laundry needed to be put away, some dishes, some other things, then I was going to go get the last reference I needed for voc rehab, I got it, but starting at just 9am these things were overwhelming me, and I felt like this hammer coming down on me. The worst part was this screaming in my head was if I didn't get anything done? What if I didn't get the reference, what if, what if, what if. There is still the fact that I have to reach all my mental health things I went to in the past to get documentation from them, everyone seems to be out on holidays right now, I got something from my old therapist though, and some things are on a sit and wait. I can't be this much control, I can't. There are things that happen, things that are in no way my fault, but is seems its hard. I will have to explore what these feelings are, see what message they are trying to tell me, see if they are just nonsense or maybe they have something valid to tell me. But they make it so hard, its like they throw a wrench in the wheel, but I know I have to keep going. So that's today's stuff, tomorrow's stuff may be harder, I'm off to voc rehab, we are rebuilding my resume, and lots about job searching scares me too. But I know its all one step at a time, life is uncertain, so I accept that.


  5. Yes mention time issues, perhaps struggles with OCD, the paralyzing anxiety. One thing I want to mention to you have you ever be assessed for Aspergers? I just say this because you mention the diffculty with social skills. Social skills were/are hellish to me. One reason I get pecked at it seems is I was too nice at the wrong times and stood up for myself at the wrong times. Whatever the formulas I was always confused.

    Your husband calling you a drunk for not being able to hold down a job was very disrespectful. That would be rolling pin throwing territory for me.

    The narcs teach us to worry night and day. We had to walk on eggshells night and day. I was doubly abused for being Aspie too, crying and not being like others. Aspergers brings severe anxiety. I wrote some of mine was cured going NC, but there will always be this edge I suppose to my personality.

    I feel like the expectations of this world are too high. Its interesting you do too. I think maybe we get so exhausted as children nothing else is left. Achievement just sounds like exhaustion to me. In the workworld, I did best to be ignored but if I got an attention of a narc or sociopath, I was toast. Sad it works that way. In my case, I could barely get the jobs anyway with my freakish body in tow, I was not shaped normally even while being midsized, I remember lots of jokes about my big butt and legs. The men never seemed to let go. I dressed to cover up and even began wearing dresses by 1996 only to hide my shape.

    Youre not lazy, the narcs are usually busy unloading work on people and claiming how hard working they are while they dump it on everyone else. So don't take those judgments to heart. Sadly the pecking orders work in some really sick disgusting ways.

    Yes seeking approval is social death in the work world. There is transference where we see bosses as parents to please and it can weaken your position. My best bosses were the absent ones. There was one secondary boss who served as a mentor but that was rare.

    Yes needing approval and attention sends people away like nothing else. I worry that in my new form of not asking people for those two things, that I will walk through the rest of my life as a ghost, but my knees got tired of bowing before people and don't want to do it. I realized I hate asking anyone for anything, like when I need a form from a business office. I agree about giving instead of taking. I don't have much to give being so disabled, some friends are happy with time and attention but that's not enough for many people. Be careful to give to yourself too. I can only do what I can. I guess I'm jumping off the hamster wheel. Maybe being more alone for a time may be good for me. I have internet friends who are happy with the conversations. I have no money to buy presents, and no physical energy and resources to drive people places.

    1. Oh, no, I love your comments, thank you. I thought of being assessed for Aspergers, but then I realize that I didn't have time to develop social skills in childhood, as my mother would never let me. So I think that might be the bigger problem. I spent forever alone, or with mother tied to me, it was a constant thing. Or that I would be a target, I was raised to never defend myself, and if I ever tried to in front of mother, there would have been serious consequences. I think it would be hard to diagnose me with Aspbergers, considering how I was forced to grow up, and I think I have more adaptive behaviours, rather than anything else.

      That was the ex who said I was going to work drunk. It was funny, I remember thinking to myself, 'well I wish that were the case, then it would be problem solved'. I don't know how to live in this world. I'm a little scared of getting a job where the boss does know about me, and hides his narcissism even to the voc rehab people, targets me, and I can see this whole thing going to shit. But I have this blog, so at least I can talk about it here.

      I don't seek approval anymore, but even this takes time for me to correct it, I mean its not automatic. Those who live in the constant ability to perform the things I can do to, but need more time for, is an anomaly to me.

      Talking about stuff like this I appreciate. In my life no way would anyone even understand. Or come close to. Thanks for all the advice on handling the disability tax credit. This took me a long time to write, and I actually have to figure out what my problem is even.

    2. Thanks glad you liked my commments. I would persue being assessed for Aspergers. Abuse and Aspergers can comingle, I think having narc parents for the Aspie can bring more severe anxiety disorders and worse. Some researchers believed the refrigertor mothers caused the autism to begin with though that is controversial.

      Yes the engulfing actually may have worsened your social skills too. if you had Aspergers too, then all the worse. My social skills are very poor and were from start. I am not as bad as the fake Aspie who is simply rude. I know how to be polite but it is the more subtle interactions and group ones I flunk in. I know my Aspergers gave the narcs more place to abuse me.

      Oh glad that was the ex and not the present husband. What a jerk!

      I don't know how to live in this world either, so we are peas in a pod as far as that one is concerned. A lot of daily tasks upset me, I have to force myself to do them. I don't think normal people go through that.
      I am glad you don't seek approval anymore. I am working on it. I may have some years of being alone because I don't want to. I realized there is something in me where I meet new people and the first thought I have is, "Do they like me?" when I should be thinking "Do I like them?" The second question has helped me see the narcs faster.

      Yes a lot of people don't understand this stuff, I guess they never lived in. WHen I wrote about that friend and Is discussion yesterday, where we were talking about our poor social forecasts, I told her I was in awe of all these people with full dance cards who never seem alone who had all these people around them who never left, I said, they would never understand our lives, not at all. I actually told her someone like that is not going to be a very close friend to you.

  6. Many ACONs are relieved when the n parents die. Mine people drop like flies around her, so many people dying young, or very young, I didn't want to be one of them. Also both siblings almost died last year and are only in their 40s. I did wonder what would happen if both my siblings had died, one of cancer they kept secret and the other of his heart bypass and resulting complications. He does not look that good in pictures. I was expected to die long ago, which I think makes her angry I am still around.

    Your aunt disgusts me. I heard the "she didn't know how" excuses already. I was always told to sit and take her evil. Many of them saw it and admitted it but she was still a more accepted person then me. They were seeing her not me right? I suppose the programming continues even after the narcs die. Well I consider myself "dead" to my whole family, I just stepped out before my actual death. I was nothing to them so it was like I was already dead being around them.

    I agree we get used to the drama. Life is peaceful for me now except for the poverty tsunamis

    I think most people are cowards and don't want to be the narcs next target so they placate them. Maybe the narcs appearance of a happening social life is even a mirage. When my mother drove 300 miles to a 2 year olds birthday party that lasted for an hour, how come she didn't have friends to do things with at home?

    Trying to always see "good" in people is living in denial. For me that wYas the surest path to guetting burned. It's not biblical anyhow.
    Its a positive development really if the SIL is ignoring your husband. You won't have the stress of those visits. This may be a hidden victory. Your feelings about his betrayal are valid. I hope you never have to deal with her again.

    I know learning not to care what people think is hard. I'm going down that road. I may be a hermit out in the woods well a married one when this is all over, but I can't do it anymore. I got too tired, maybe give yourself that freedom. What they think doesn't matter. One thing I learned is I had no control over it anyway.

    1. Well, my brother died at 45, and I can still see my mother smirking at the funeral while she was following my crying sister. How can you even make a grin at those times? How can you pull your lips upwards? Yes, people will die around them, I wish your siblings will get the point of what your mother is about, but I guess it won't happen.

      I know, the aunt was trying to sell me a bill of goods after mother died, I mean what was the point? And who cares? It is gone. And its still strange how this mother who treated me like property is gone, and I have gone on.

      Wow at your mother for going all that way to attend a birthday party for a small child for only an hour. Guess she had nothing else to do, and wanted to do that, so she could say she did that, how she can be the martyr. Its sick.

      Trying to see the good in people is a trap. Sure if you can fight back, but when you are like we are, we can go past the limit, and we can force it into ourselves that the person still cares, even when they don't. In my relationship site, she teaches that a man has to VISIBLY show he cares, and she goes on to say it is actions, never words. We tend to only see the words and maybe just ignore the actions. I know I mentioned in relationship, but it works fore everyone we can encounter. We can't just "see" good in people, it can be our wild imagination.

      Its interesting that she is ignoring him. Now, I know what is happening here, this is typical narc behavior, and he might not feel ignored yet, but there will be more ignoring. But I don't care what she does, we still have a long way to go. He only says he feels bad, but he can't seem to articulate what he feels bad for. Not forgiven them for last summer, this must all come to pass before I even attempt to "see the good" in them.

      Not going to mother's funeral, must look very strange to the rest of "the family". My gosh I think I think about that all the time. But I did tell some of the family members about what was going on, namely my aunt and sister, and told them what mother was, that she wasn't even real to begin with, she never cared, never loved anyone.

    2. Yes smirking at funerals is a bad sign. I am glad I did not go to Aunt Scapegoats funeral, probaly a few smirks at that one. So yeah sometimes their masks fall. The aunt is adhereing to the formula and family script, I guess it's easier for some then admitting the truth.

      Yes I thought the birthday party thing was sad. They do say narcs end up alone. Mine seemed not to, but maybe she really is. I am sure she took lots of presents so attendance at that party came with a price. It seems odd to me a 70 year old would drive 6 hours, 12 hours in one day just for a birthday party. The child isn't even that close of a relative to her, great aunt?

      Yes it is a trap. It is not a bad thing to appreciate nice things about people but we have to be careful of the ACON double trap of convincing ourselves good is there that really isn't.

      I hope his brother just comes to visit him and the SIL stays away. I know narcs are always meddling though.

      I am glad you stayed home from the funeral, imagine dealing with 100 messages of your aunt in one hour.



    Self Flagellantism was a 13th and 14th centuries movement, consisting of radicals in the Catholic Church. It began as a militant pilgrimage and was later condemned by the Catholic Church as heretical. The followers were noted for including public flagellation in their rituals.

    1. Yes I heard of that, part of the Catholic Church, at least one of their beliefs at one time. Thomas More did that, who stood up against the reforms of the Church, and he even wrote the book, which I can't remember the name of, but speaks of equality between slaves masters. But he used to beat himself up with whips all the time. Its quite an anomaly, when we ACONs don't need actual whips, but for me in particular, I carry a psychological beating with me at all time. Even when standing up to someone, I feel the whip coming down, and just have to flow through that feeling and do what I have to anyway.

    2. Every ACON, has to go 'burn the whips" and go pick one up and start whipping back when needed. :p

      What do the narcs teach a young ACON but self flagellantism?

      Being raised Catholic, I learned that the Catholic church still has orders where the nuns sleep on the floor and whip themselves with a rope. Opus Dei people wear a chain with spikes around one of their legs.

      There's a reason I'm no longer Catholic. I think the Catholic church has some teachings that help the narcs out.

    3. This may sound like weird advice, but in terms of us being "enough" we have to get to a point where we say "Screw it" I kind of went into this on the BE WEIRD post of yesterday. I am going to be me and at this point in the game only so much is changeable, I will try to choose good over evil, but as for the rest of it, I can't control what they think. I don't want to go around with the long list of faults and shortcomings, the narcs stressed for years. Even with poor social skills, I have taught myself to think SO WHAT? At least I am not rude IRL and will say hello to people. Yeah I had to start thinking screw it to unleash some of the chains. This will free us from keeping up the pyschological beating they began.

    4. One thing about ole Thomas More, he sent people to the stake to be killed. So as he was beating his own self, he was busy helping to have people killed. The bible has a verse about those who think they are sent by God to kill others. I wish I could remember the exact one...ah here it is:

      John 16:2
      They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.

      Those power and control facets of society I mention above are often rooted in EVIL. I don;t think much of that guy and they made him a saint.

  8. Yes, that is what it was called Opus Dei. And they even wore these shirts that would scratch up their bodies, hair shirts? I can say screw it with family members and with other things, but with some things, I have have to be careful of. But it is helpful advice. I think its more of this wanting to need people too much that we are not secure with any sources we have within ourselves to meet our own needs emotionally. This constant outward validation.

    1. Yes they wear the shirts too...yes they are called hair shirts, they use the knotted ropes to beat their backs too. When I was in Catholic school, we were taught suffering will make you more holy and were told to give up things for Lent. I saw this conservative order of nuns online, they are like prisoners in a cage never allowed to leave, sleeping on mats on the floor and eating just a piece of bread for meals and weak tea. I think they got a few real meals so they would not die, they taught suffering made them more holy. Contemplative old order nuns they still put them in the cage and those orders still exist today.

      Yes sometimes you just have to say screw it, and don't beat yourself up anymore. Even with ones you want to do good by, just do your best and if it's not enough, its their problem not yours.

  9. “As Shakespeare put it in 'King Lear,' the policeman who lashes the whore has a hot need to use her for the very offense for which he plies the lash.”

    I met a little cutie back in sixty-
    six, She used to tie you up
    And beat you with a walking stick.
    I said, 'Mama, call a doctor you
    must be sick!'
    She told me that's the only way I
    get my kicks

    ― Christopher Hitchens

    1. Yep, that is how they get their kicks. Self flagellation, they probably enjoyed that. Thomas More was one effed up dude. I can only see him as a narcissist, one of self sacrificing ones.

    2. Yes they get their kicks that way. I knew Thomas More was a creep even as a kid even as in Catholic school they told me he was a great guy, same for that Ignatius Loyola dude too and other weirdo saints like Padre Pio who walked around with his bleeding hands showing off.
